Chapter 18.2 - Cochlea Raid (Part 2)

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Arima charges to Touka first then he attacks her with his sword, since Touka has a high speed, she can avoid all of his attack. Touka using both of her kagune to fight him but he is not an easy opponent, he can avoid all of her electric and projectiles attack also he can match with Touka's sword attack.

Even though I use long and near-range attack, he doesn't seem tired. So, this is White Reaper.

Touka silently detaches her kagunes when Arima charges to her again, she controls them to pierce Arima but none of them hit him. He already aware of her trap and he successes to avoid all of them. Arima is coming closer to her and when Touka steps back to keep her distance, Arima already stand in front of her then he swings his sword. The armor which covering Touka's face cracked and the quinque injures Touka's right eye.

Touka groans in pain as she moves away from him, she covers her right eye then she sees Arima is ambushing her again. They are attacking each other and suddenly the flashback of a young man standing in front of Touka's mother appearing in Touka's mind.

W-What was that?!

Arima breaks the armor and his sword thrust into Touka's neck, Touka gasping as she tries to breathe but Arima keep pressing forward his sword. Her vision become blur but then she remembers the person who standing in front of her is her mother killer. When she was little, she and her brother were carried by their father. She can't forget when her father was crying every time they ask about their mother.

Looking Rabbit doesn't move anymore, Arima takes out his sword and turned around to chase the other ghouls. But right before he reaches the door, he suddenly feels something dangerous behind him. He sees the different kagune attacking him and his quinque instantly broken when he parries it. He sees Rabbit was different from before, her armor evolving and her appearance now similar with a dragon.

"Mom...? M-Mommy? *sob* M-Mom... I-I miss you.. Protect.. Need to protect.. Don't lose..anyone anymore. ...YOU MURDERER!"

Arima twitches, signing that he was disturbed by what Rabbit yelled but then a suitcase falls from above and he takes out a new quinque.

"...Impressive. It's the first time I use this quinque."

Rabbit makes a loud roar and the others from different floor can hear it, both of ghouls and investigators were panicked by it. In the depth of cochlea, Eto smiling when she hears the roar echoed in that building. Kaneki stops for a while when he hears it and he knows that he must heading to the center of cochlea as fast as he can.

Touka swings her giant claw and at the same time the electricity striking uncontrollably, Arima moves away from her then he embeds his quinque into the ground. The quinque pierces Touka's stomach from below then Arima cut off her limbs. Once again Touka falls down and this time, Arima breaking all of her armor.


Touka awakes in different place, it's dark and she can't see anything in there.

*sigh* I guess I die. It seems my dream won't become true. Everyone, have they made it? Are they safe? ...I'm sorry Ayato, Hinami, Yomo. ...I wonder, will 'he' be sad? Strange, why do I think about him again?

Suddenly someone pat her shoulder and Touka turns around, her eyes widened when she sees a woman with silver hair.


The woman smiles at her then Touka hugs her mother and so does her, suddenly she lets Touka go then she hits her head hardly. Touka grimaces and protests to her mother for hitting her but she was scolded back by her mother instead.

Touka, what the heck are you doing?!

Huh? I was...fighting with White Reaper. By the way mom, he-

Touka, are you fighting him for revenge?

...But he is the one who killed you.

Then? By killing him, will it change anything?
Touka, I don't want you live for avenge me and..
I want you to remember about your goal.

Touka falls into deep silent after she hears Hikari says it to her, she realizes that she holds him back to buy some times for the others to escape that building, not for avenge her mother's death. Touka looks to her mother then she apologies to her for trying to kill someone by revenge. Hikari smiles at her daughter and right before she leaves, Touka hugs her again and telling that she really misses her so much while crying. Hikari smiles and wipes Touka's tears as telling her that she really misses all of her family members also she tells Touka that she is always beside them.

Several minutes has passed then Touka stands to her feet once more. Arima turns his back once again and now he sees the Rabbit's mask crumbling, Touka torn her disguising mask and she shows him her real face.

"Sorry for being out of control. Now, shall we begin serious?"

Arima's eyes stares the girl blankly the he launches his attack once again, when he is approaching Rabbit, suddenly a solid net of kagune covering him. He destroys the kagune then he hears Touka's voice from behind him, he swings his sword and he look startled when he realizes it was trap. From below Touka forms a sword with her koukaku then at the same time as she swings it, Arima realizes it and he block her attack. Touka gives him a really hard blow then Arima's third quinque was broken. Arima's eyes widened then Touka deactivates her whole kagune.

"As I thought, your eyes.. *sigh* That's enough, your quinque already br-"

Before Touka finishes her line, Arima attacks her once again and right before his sword reaches her, suddenly Kaneki appears and he blocks Arima's attack.

"Arima-san, stop."


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