Chapter 20 - Goat

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Both of them stare each other in silence meanwhile the other ghouls become alert when they see several investigators enter the room. Touka tells them to calm down then she asks Kaneki whether they know each other and he answers that he is his best friend. After confirming it, Touka tells Nishiki to put him down.

"Ka-Kaneki? What's the meaning of this? Why are you here?", asks Hide.

"Well, it's a long story. And how about you? Why are you here?"

"Ah! Kaneki, maybe you can't believe me but you see...Yoshitoki-san is a ghoul. I saw him by myself! He even doesn't die when Marude-san shot him right on his head!"

The ghouls overheard it and they become more confuse, in seconds the place become noisy. Touka tells them to calm down again and she states that what the yellow and black haired guy said is true. She also tells them about Washuu and V clan since they are the one who manipulate the investigators to slaughter their own kin.

"Rabbit, I appreciate that your friends helped me back then and thank you for sharing your information. But what exactly do you want to do from now?", asks three blades Miza.

"I want to make a world, where we and human can live together without any conflict. Also, these guys will help us.", tells her as she pointed at the investigators.

Everyone who hear it murmuring in disbelieving then Kurona, the artificial ghoul laughs after she hears it. She can't believe that both human and ghoul live in peace since human kill ghoul's families also messing with another people's life. Several ghouls agree with her and the rest stay quiet since they hesitate.

"What you said is true, the people who I cherished also killed by doves. It's a lie if I said that I don't resent them. I resent them, but I don't want to live by revenge. If I keep killing them, the chain of revenge will be endless and even if I have my revenge, the people that I lost won't return to me. That's why..instead of revenge, I want to change this world for the next generation."

Everyone becomes silent then a group of ghouls come in front of Touka and they kneel. They are the prisoners in Cochlea and since she helped them too, they swear to follow her till the end.

"...Any objections?", asks her as she looking around her.


"Alright. I will name our organization 'Goat'."

Hearing 'goat' from her, Kaneki reminds of Washuu Matsuri and he clicks his tongue.

"What is it, Kaneki? Do you have any objection?"

"*laughing* T-That's not it, 'goat' word reminds him of someone that he dislikes.", says Hide.

"...By the way, who are you?"

"Oops. I'm Nagachika Hideyoshi. Nice to meet you. *grabs Touka hands* Wow, I never thought a cute girl like you is the king."

When Kaneki looks at Hide is touching Touka's hands, he immediately separated them and makes Hide confused. 

"No touching, she is mine."

Hide flabbergasted when he sees his best friend acting like that for the first time meanwhile Touka sighs behind him. Touka tells the others that they can return to their own base for now and she tells Nagachika that he must join with the other investigators.

Hide and the others leave the room but right before Kaneki leaves, Touka asks him to go with her somewhere. Kaneki obeys her then they heading back to cafe for disguising since Kaneki is one of wanted person. Kaneki keep insisting to put some make up on Touka and after several rejection, finally Touka allows him. He tells her to sit down then he starting to dress her up. After Kaneki finishes dressing her up, he heading to the staff room to change his clothes.

...How come he is good at dressing up?, asks Touka to herself as she stares at her own reflection on the mirror.

After few moments, Touka sees Kaneki dressing up as a woman with black long haired.

"Alright, let's go Touka."

"...Who are you?"


-CCG Headquarter-
Meanwhile in the headquarter, Mutsuki sits alone at the cafeteria then Saiko sits in front of him and asking about his wounds. Mutsuki tells her that he is already okay then they become silent again.

"..Mu-chan? Why do I smell blood on you?"

"S-Saiko, the truth is..I'm a woman. Sorry for deceiving everyone all this time. Sorry, I need to go."

I know that already, Mu-chan. But why I can smell the other human blood on you? You've changed Mu-chan, what happened to you on the Rushima Island? *sigh* Maman...where are you?


At the same time, Kaneki and Touka go outside to buy some human foods then they buy some coffee beans. When they are going to return to the cafe, suddenly Touka hears Kaneki's stomach rumbling loudly. Both of them drown in silent then Touka decides to stop at a restaurant. He apologizes to her but she doesn't mind it, Kaneki orders foods meanwhile Touka only orders coffee.

While Kaneki eating his food, Touka asks what is it taste like and Kaneki offers her some of it and Touka getting angry since he knows that she can't it that. Kaneki apologizes to her for his joke then Touka rummages her bag and hands over something to Kaneki.

"What's this?"

"It's a bit late..but happy birthday. Your birthday on December, right? We were busy back then and I always missed my time to hand it over to you."

"...You actually remember my birthday? Can I open it?"

Touka nods then Kaneki opens his present, it's a mystery novel that Kaneki want to buy.

"This is.. I thought I will miss it. *smiles* Thank you, babe."

Touka falls into deep silent as she hides her blush face.

Hmm? What's wrong with me? My face feels hot every time I see him even when he dresses up. And babe? That's... Nonono, our relationship is just based on our deal ...Wait.

Kaneki finishes and pay their food and drinks then they return to the cafe. On their way, suddenly Touka stops and Kaneki does too to check her condition.

"Touka? What's wrong?"

"Wait. You already defected from CCG, and it means..your deal doesn't valid anymore also with our relationship!"

"...Eh, really?", asks Kaneki as he smirks at her.

Kaneki lifts his hand to grab Touka's chin then he kisses her for the second time. Looking at her shock reaction, Kaneki chuckles then he whispers next to her.

"Then..I will do this in front of everyone if you keep complaining about our relationship."

Kaneki takes the goods on Touka's hand then he walks while humming, leaving Touka who blushing behind him.

T-That jerk! He kisses me again!


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