Chapter 30 - Final Battle

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Touka and the others have meeting on the next day, in the meeting Kimi told there's a core which controlling those monsters; Marude told a squad found an abyss on the kagune while they were observed from helicopter but they can't come closer since the monsters tried to attack them and Marude thinks it more dangerous than through the land.

"Core, huh? I'm sure the core is located in that abyss. Please let me go, I am poison resistant.", says Touka.

"Are you stupid?! It's too dangerous!", yells Ayato to his sister.

"It's only our chance, Ayato! I'm the only one who resist to poison! Can you listen to me just once?!?"

Meanwhile they were quarreling, Kimi clear her throat and makes the siblings stop immediately. 

"Actually, I and my team manage to make a poison resistance uniform. I already test it but we have only one since the materials are limited and it takes quite long time to make it."

"So, there's only one person who can go with Kirishima. Who-"

Before Marude finishes his line, both Ayato and Kaneki raise their hand at the same time. Both of them stare each other and they begin bickering each other.

"I'm her brother."

"I'm her husband."

The situation in the room become awkward then Touka slams the table loudly.

"It's enough you two! If you want to fight, do it outside!"


Right before they resume the meeting, suddenly a man abruptly enters the room, he reported that some of V members were sighted together with those monsters. Marude quickly takes a final decision that the rest of them besides Touka and another person who will come with her, will take care of V and those monsters. They all immediately leave the room, leaving the three of them.

"*sigh* Really? You both, we don't have much time and you guys fighting right now?"

"I know that! But don't you think it will be assured if I go with you? We are ghoul and our physic is more stronger than human."

Touka silences then she peeks to her husband who become more taciturn than before. Touka makes her decision then she hugs Ayato which making him flustered.

"Ayato, thank you for worrying about me. I love you very much, my little brother. But I want my husband to go with me. After I'm gone, I want you to cooperate with Marude-san to maintain the peacefulness. I will leave everyone to you."

Hearing her answer, both of them startled then Ayato stares at his sister. He knows Touka is really confident about it and he knows her sister is strong person.

"Alright. If that what you want."

Ayato walks out of the room and as he passes Kaneki, he whispers something to him.

Please take care of her and stay beside her.

Ayato left, only Touka and Kaneki who still remain in meeting room.

"...Why do you choose me instead?"

"Huh? You are the one who said you will stay beside me until the end. Besides, I want to be with you."

Kaneki smiles then he kisses Touka before they leave the headquarter. After Kaneki changes into poison resistance uniform, he and Touka heading to battlefield. Their friends already fighting with V and monsters there, then they saw Arima.

"I will open the path for you, please be careful and good luck."

"...Arima-san, thank you for adopt and raising me until this time. I'm glad I meet you that day."

Arima looks surprised then he smiles at Kaneki.

"Me too, Ken."

Arima and his group annihilate everyone who try to block them and right after they reach their destination, Touka turns around and shouts to Arima.

"Arima-san, get treatment soon after this!", shouts her as she pointing at her eyes.

Arima stares at them until they were disappeared from his sight then he resumes his battle.

...Since when she notices about my eyes impairment?


Touka and Kaneki enter the dark abyss, it's really dark and reeks of flesh. They look to all direction but they can't find any clue which path they must take. Suddenly, they hear someone's moaning from one direction, so they follow the source. Both of them stop as they saw a white-haired woman half planted in floor.

"Hello, King and Kaneki, my ex-partner."

They turn around and saw Washuu Kichimura standing behind them while showing his one kakugan.

"I'm tired of your games. Let's end this today.", threats Touka.

Touka and Kaneki teaming up against him, Kichimura's kagune resembling giant centipede and it's tougher than others kagune. Not only tough, his movement is really fast and his kagune is really powerful, it capable to slam Touka onto the wall. Kichimura doesn't give Touka any chance to get up, he approaches Touka and slit her neck.

"Oops~ I think I failed to cut deep enough to make your head falls."

From behind, Kaneki swings his sword and one of his swords cut his waist till the intestines coming out from the wound.

"OUCH! Spare me a bit, will ya?! I'm your ex-partner!!"

"Like hell I will! You hurt my wife and you're my enemy!", says Kaneki angrily.

Kichimura turned his kagune into shield then he pushes Kaneki back and squeezes him onto the wall. He doesn't aware that Touka already stands up behind him then she penetrates her kagune on his right eye.

"Argh! You, b*tch!"

"Payback, you assh*le."

He swings his sword but Touka stop it by biting it, she spins her body and breaks the sword.

"*spit* Your sword is broken, why don't we fight with our kagune?", asks Touka as she transform into kakuja.

Kichimura laughing crazily then both of them clash, Touka makes spears with her kagune and launches them. Kichimura repels them and he becomes out of control, he attacks Touka from below and his kagune manages to destroy Touka's armor and hits her abdomen. As he busies dealing with her, Kaneki sneaks behind him and cut from his waist till his chest.


Kichimura stabs Kaneki, his quinque was destroyed and Kichimura's kagune pierces his stomach. At the same time, Touka cuts his right hand and rips Kichimura's stomach.


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