Chapter 15 - Unexpected Relationship

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After Touka returns with Nishiki, Yomo asks her about what they talked about but every time she hears Black Reaper, she immediately covers her lips. Both of Nishiki and Yomo stares at her then they get it.

"What? Seriously, Touka? That Black Reaper? That BLACK REAPER?", asks Nishiki as he shakes her.

Touka chooses to quiet and even more she averts her gaze from him. Nishiki dumbfounded then Yomo tells her to brush her teeth immediately. Touka went upstairs and after she entered her room, she leans to the door while rubbing her lips.

"That' first..kiss."   

Five days later, Kaneki hasn't visited the cafe or calls her either and it makes Touka doubts him. Right before she talks to Yomo, suddenly she hears the door bell ringing and Kaneki standing while bringing a briefcase. Touka and Yomo stares at him when he takes his usual seat then Kaneki calls Touka to make the order.

"Oh? I thought you break your promise.", says Touka as she takes out the note book.

"I've told you, I won't betray my girlfriend. Oh, as usual please."

Hearing 'girlfriend' from him in person, Yomo sits in front of him then they have glaring contest. Touka sighs then she goes to the kitchen and make the coffee for him. Both of Kaneki and Yomo keep glaring until Touka returns while bringing a black coffee for him.

"Hey, I never say yes to be your girlfriend."

"Do you already forget about our deal?", says him as he is touching his lips.

Looking at his gestures, Touka's eyes widened then she averts her eyes. Looking at Touka reaction, Yomo glares at him again but Kaneki ignores him as he sips his hot coffee slowly. In the silence, they hear the sound from the backdoor then a guy with messy hazelnut hair comes out from the kitchen.

"Touka, make me some-"

When he looks at Black Reaper, he pauses a bit then he continues his line. He tries to act normal but Kaneki knows there is something that he is hiding. Kaneki sees him sits near the counter then he approaches him.

"Hello, you must be Touka's friend. My name is Kaneki Ken, her boyfriend.", says him as he stretches out his hand for a handshake.

Hearing it from him, Nishiki dumbfounded for a moment then he glances to Touka. Touka shakes her head for several times then Nishiki looks back at Kaneki and he gives him a handshake.

"O-Oh..Nice to meet you, I'm Nishiki. Nishio Nishiki."

"Nice to meet you, Nishio-san. No, Serpent."

Instantly Nishiki and Yomo activates his kakugan but Touka immediately stops them and she tells the others that he already knows about their identity but he won't tell anyone about this since she and him already make a deal. Even she explains it to them, they can't believe Black Reaper easily.

"Are you stupid? If I leak your identities to my comrades, they should have attacked you guys from days ago. I already make a deal with Touka and I as a man won't break it."

"Wait, since when I allowed you to call me by first name?"

"You are my girlfriend, it's normal for your boyfriend to call you by your first name."

"I know you're just teasing me."

"I'm serious about this."

"But you should know that you are investigator and I'm a ghoul."

"You're right. But what can I do? I'm in love with you."

"*blush* I-I don't have any feelings to you."

"...Then, I will make sure you will fall in love with me.", says him as he lifts Touka's chin and kiss her forehead.

Once again, Touka petrifies; Yomo is cracking his hands; and Nishiki flabbergasted when he sees what happen before his eyes. Kaneki lets her go then he grabs Yomo and Nishiki's shoulder roughly while whispering that their relationship is a deal. If they do something unnecessary regarding their relationship, it means the deal is off. He lets them go then he heads back to his seat and drinks his coffee.

"Ah, by the way Touka. When is your birthday?"

"Huh? I won't-"

"Mine is 20th December. I already told you mine and this time, it's your turn."

"You-! *sigh* ...1st July."

Touka sees satisfy expression on Kaneki's face then right before he leaves the cafe, he tells everyone that if they willing to share the information about Aogiri, he will tell about Yotsume's condition. Hearing the alias, Touka clenches her hands then she closed the shop soon.

"T-That's Black Reaper? Wow, just WOW. I can't believe it till now. Congrats Touka, it seems he really likes you."

Nishiki claps his hands and it makes Touka and Yomo glare at him, he stops and clear his throat then all of them have a meeting. Regarding to his last sentences, both of Yomo and Nishiki still can't believe him but Touka feels that he can be trusted, even though she herself doesn't know why she can trusts him that far but she has a feeling that he isn't lying. Nishiki and Yomo stay quiet but then they respect with Touka's decision. Touka tell them to look some information about Aogiri around Tokyo and they agree with her.


Bonus :
It's 1st July and it's Touka's birthday. She wakes up in the morning then she checks her mail box. She sees a small box wrapped in blue sky paper and a card on it. She opens the card and read it.

To : Beloved Touka

Happy birthday Touka, I hope I can spend my time with you today but I'm sorry since I can't, thanks to my mission. I hope you like my birthday present.

From : Your boyfriend

"Just I said, who is-"

Touka stares at the present and she hesitates to open it, she thinks it's a prank but then she remembers when Kaneki asked for her birthday. She opens the present then she sees a necklace with red eyed rabbit pendant in it.

"It's cute! ...I guess, I will thank him."  

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