Chapter 8 - Christmas Eve

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After the auction raid, the investigators who participated were given some days off. The quinckes spend their time at chateau to make preparation of Christmas Eve party; Kaneki doing the cooking, Mutsuki helping him with the dishes, Shirazu and Saiko are decorating the Christmas tree, meanwhile Urie goes downstairs and planning to train himself but Mutsuki stops him and asks him to buy some groceries. He clicks his tongue and snatches the notes from Mutsuki while complaining.

Shortly after Hideyoshi, Takeomi, and Ito arrive at their place, Takeomi really respects Kaneki so he talks very polite to him but Kaneki tells him to talk casually like Hideyoshi and Kuramoto. Five minutes later, someone ring the door bell; it's Suzuya and Hanbee. Then, the last guests who coming are Arima and Akira. After everyone have gathered, they have dinner together while chatting.

After having dinner, Kaneki takes some boxes from under the Christmas tree and hands them to his students. They open it; Shirazu gets motorcycle model; Saiko gets games; Urie gets expensive earphone; and Mutsuki gets a leather eye patch. He takes another two boxes and gives them to Akira and Arima; Akira gets a hairpin and Arima gets a necktie pin. After the party is over, Mutsuki and Shirazu helps with the dirty dishes. Meanwhile Urie and Saiko headed back first to their own room.

Kaneki enters his room and he reads document about Rabbit. 

Name : Unknown
Alias : Rabbit
Race : Ghoul
RC Type : Ukaku-Koukaku
Gender : Female
Age : Unknown
Rank : SS (estimated)
Description : Went missing after killing first class Kureo Mado. Her kagune and Black Rabbit's are match around 50%, which it means they are still related. She appears after three years and apparently, she has dual kagune recently. She can detach her kagune and she has pseudo-electrokinesis ability.

Rabbit, I'm sure she's the one who defeated Owl back then. Is she Yotsume's comrade? But it doesn't seem so, her comrade is Serpent and it seems they're not in Aogiri. ...I don't understand what she wants.

Kaneki tidying up the documents and he takes off his glasses while staring the ceiling.

"...I wonder, what is she doing now. On date, maybe?"

Shirazu who overheard him takes several steps backward then he goes upstairs and knocks Mutsuki's door. After he opens it and asks for permission to enter his room, Shirazu tells him what he heard at downstairs.

"What? Sensei has lovesick with the waitress at :Re?", asks Mutsuki as he sits on his bed.

"No damn kidding! I heard and saw it by myself, he stares at the ceiling and said it loud by himself. It's the first time I see Kaneki-san being like that. I doubt he can make any progress by himself. Should we help him?"

"But maybe he will get angry if we do something like that.."

"Of course we do it secretly! What do you think?"

"..Well, I think it's not bad to help him with this thing. I'm in!"

"Okay! We will ask her name and her contact tomorrow!"

In the next morning, Kaneki and Saiko are still asleep; Urie already gone for jogging since early morning; meanwhile Mutsuki and Shirazu head to :Re cafe. The cafe is open and as usual they were greeted by the waitress, they make some order then when she serves their coffees they stops her.

"Err..Miss, what's your name?", asks Shirazu.

Why they ask? Wait, don't tell me.. They already find out about me?!

"Ah, sorry. It's rude when asking someone's name without introduce ourselves first. My name is Mutsuki Tooru and this is Shirazu Ginshi. We really like your coffee, miss."

Oh, I thought they are interrogating me but..I can't let my guard down.

"Thank you, my name is Yomo Touka and that's my brother, Yomo Renji. You can call me by my first name." 

Whoa, that guy is her brother?! I can't imagine when Kaneki-san and him will become bro-in-law. Maybe they will be staring each other in silence from morning until night. But..Yomo Touka? What an unusual name. Well, who cares? Alright, we already got her name! 

"I see..Nice to meet you, Touka-san. You can call me by my first name too.", says Mutsuki.

"M-Me too!", says Shirazu as he points his finger to himself.

Touka smiles then she goes to the kitchen where her comrade, Serpent is making his own coffee.

"They are Black Reaper's lackey, aren't they? Black Reaper and his lackeys really often come here, is that okay?"

"Yes, I think they haven't recognized about us yet but we can't let our guard down."

When Touka is coming out from the kitchen, she sees her guests are whispering something and they are looking at her immediately. They approach her and Shirazu takes something from his pocket. Touka's suspicion increasing and before Touka almost activate her kakugan, Shirazu hands her his phone. 

"Please, exchange number with me!", begs Shirazu as he bows down to her.


"Please, exchange number with me! W-We want to give some gift for my mentor and he is really fond of coffees but we don't know about it and we will get busy after this. So, can you give us some advice?"

...I thought they are going to surprise attack me but what should I do? Is this trap or is he speaking the truth? Should I reject him? But for what reason? They only ask for advice though. Or should I give them a fake number? No, they will suspicious once they know that I'm lying. *sigh* I have no choice. 

Touka is staring to both of them and makes them uncomfortable.

W-Why does she stay quiet? Do I do something wrong?

But before Shirazu pulls back his hand, Touka takes his phone and typing her number then give it back to him. Shirazu looks at her number and gives her a call, Touka feels her phone vibrating and she shows it to both of them. 

"T-THANK YOU!", says both of Mutsuki and Shirazu at the same time. After they save each other number, Mutsuki pays for the coffees and they headed out from the cafe as they waving their hands to Touka and Renji. Touka waves back to them and after they completely disappear, she freezes as Serpent comes out from the kitchen.

"Wow, you were f*cked up. Congrats, Touka."

"...Shut up, Nishiki."


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