Chapter 3 - Torso

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-Eleven Days Later-
From the first ward Urie rides a taxi to west park. During the trip, Urie looks at the driver's name ID; Kobayashi Akashi and his hobby is making candy. When they are inside of the tunnel suddenly Urie asks the driver to stop there.

"Sir, do you like making candies?", asks Urie as he rummages his pocket.

"Yes, I like to make candies since it is taste sweet. Ah, by the way I have sweet tooth."

"...I see. Then..why this car reeks of blood?"

The driver looks startled when he hears it and from the mirror he sees Urie taking out a CCG badge from his pocket. In instance, Urie gets out from the car and the car was destroyed by kagune. Urie takes out his quinque and attack him, shortly after Shirazu joins the battle but his kagune doesn't hit the target at all.

"Urie! Kaneki-san already told you to move in group, right?! Why did you leave first?!", yells Shirazu as he grabs Urie's collar.

"Focus, Shirazu. We don't have time to fight now, our opponent is a ghoul. (Shut up, just do your job properly.)"

Urie sees the ghoul launch his kagune to him but he uses Shirazu's body to block his attack intentionally. Shirazu get stabs meanwhile Urie invades toward Kobayashi. The ghoul tries to pull his kagune from Shirazu but he holds it then Urie strikes him and he fell to the ground. Urie approaches the ghoul and after seeing no movement, Urie get relax and continue arguing with Shirazu. They do not realize that Kobayashi is still conscious, the ghoul move his kagune slowly and attacks Urie from behind. Before it land on Urie, suddenly Kaneki appears and cut the whole kagune with his sword.

"Good job you two but you are still careless. You cannot let your guard down until the ghoul dies or the organization picks his body. And Urie, as a squad leader you should know how dangerous the mission is, right? Also I already told you to move in group. Then why did you move by yourself? ", asks Kaneki as he glares at Urie.

"Sorry, Investigator Kaneki but I think it will be faster if we go split up. (Tch. If I defeat it by myself, it will be faster for me to get promotion.)"

"Even so it still dangerous for you guys. Do not repeat it again, understood?"

"...Understood.", replies Urie as he averts his eyes from his mentor.

"Shirazu, are you okay?", asks Kaneki to Shirazu who is still leaning on the wall.

"It's okay, Kaneki-san. The wound will be close soon."

Kaneki sees the wound on Shirazu's stomach is closing then he calls the headquarter to pick Kobayashi's body. They brings him to the cochlea at 23rd ward and after they investigate him, they found out that he is not the 'Torso'. Urie feeling upset then both of him and Shirazu head home first.

...*sigh* So troublesome. What is Urie thinking about?

When Kaneki is walking while sorting out his mind, he hears someone call his name then the guy with fox eyes approaches him.

"Good evening, Itou-san."

"Kuramoto is fine. Can I call you by first name?"

Kaneki nods, signifying that he does not mind he calls him by his first name.

"It is a shame the ghoul that your student catches is not 'Torso'."

"Yeah, he catches him since Kobayashi has the same profession with 'Torso'. By the way, how about your investigation?"

"Ah, about S+ Rank Serpent? We still can not locate his whereabouts. It seems he moves around and we just find out a unique status about him. He is a ghoul hunter."

"...Is he doing cannibalism?"

"Dunno.. Oops, I have to go now! Bye-bye, Ken!"


-Somewhere at 20th Ward-
A young man with messy hazelnut haired comes into a cafe and order a cup of coffee. His continuously sighing brings curiosity to the manager.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I wander to several places but I can not find the whereabouts of Torso.", says the young man.

"Is that so? Even though I know about his whereabouts."

"What, you know his whereabouts?! Why you never tell me about it?!"

"That's because you never tell me and never ask for my help. Are you dense? I am a hunter too.", says manager while smiling.

"...Where is he?", asks him with annoying tone.

"I will tell you if only you bring me with you~"

"Tch. Do as you like.", says him as he is sipping his coffee.


-Several Days Later-
Kaneki investigates about Torso by himself, Urie and Shirazu are patrolling by motorcycle, and the remaining quinx member are Mutsuki and Saiko. Since after the first special training, Saiko has been shutting herself in her room. Kaneki already tired of it since every time he drags her out, she always lock herself in her room again. Mutsuki who partnered with Saiko often spend his time to persuade her.

"Saiko? Will you get out from there? We have important mission and we need your help."

No answer..but then he hears Saiko is murmuring from the inside.

"M-Melon bread and croissant. If you get those from the bakery, I promise I will help you."

"I-I will buy it! Keep your promise, okay?! I will be back shortly!"

Mutsuki heads out to bakery besides the hospital, after he buy it he sees a suspicious taxi driver keep staring at the lady who just get out from the hospital. He knows that he must to do something, before he get into the taxi he calls his mentor. 

Kaneki checks his phone and pick up the call from Mutsuki. He hears Mutsuki's conversation with the taxi driver and he knows there is something wrong with him. Kaneki calls the headquarter to track Mutsuki's location and request backup then he calls Urie and Shirazu to follow Mutsuki.

Fifteen minutes later, the taxi driver brings Mutsuki to a quiet place. Right before Mutsuki takes out his knife, the driver chokes him. Mutsuki kicks his abdomen hardly then he manages to scratch his face but it makes the ghoul went berserk and he hits Mutsuki repetitively.

Urie and Shirazu sees the taxi and Mutsuki in it, the ghoul realizes it then he run away. The car moves over speed limit and so Shirazu's motorcycle. Shirazu attacks the car with his kagune but as usual none of it hit him, the taxi keep moving until the driver stop the car since he was surrounded on ahead. He gets out from the car with his clothes wraps his face.

Torso attacks the people who surround him but not with the quinx, he can't hurt them at all. Shirazu shoots him with his ukaku kagune and Urie stabs him with his koukaku kagune, Torso was pressed back and before they capture him a large bikaku kagune destroys all of the cars with one movement.

"Finally I found you. T-O-R-S-O.", says the ghoul with snake mask.


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