Chapter 4 - Serpent and Rabbit

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"Finally I found you. T-O-R-S-O.", says the ghoul with serpent mask.

Wha- Serpent?! Why is he here?!?

"Sorry but that half-naked guy is my prey. Hmm? So you guys are quinckes. ...You doves aren't different with Aogiri. Hmm..I have some free time, shall we play?"

Serpent attacks Urie first, only with one kick he throws Urie far away. Shirazu shoots his kagune but Serpent destroy it easily, Urie gets up then attack him once again but he gets kick once again and his kagune was damaged.

Serpent sits on the pile of cars and he notices another quinckes, Mutsuki. Before he is going to attack him, Shirazu launches his kagune to Serpent repetitively which makes him get annoyed and slam him using his kagune. Urie, Shirazu, and Mutsuki can't fight anymore and they feel the great gap between their power.

"We should retreat now, our kagune can't match his."

Hearing retreat from Shirazu, Urie remembers about his past then he devours his own arm. Shirazu and Mutsuki try to stop Urie and at the same time Serpent launches his kagune to finish them off but Kaneki come at the right time and cut his kagune.

"Everyone, retreat. You have done well. From now, let me deal with this guy."

Both Serpent and Black Reaper glare at each other, feeling their opponent is different from others. Kaneki makes a move first, he thrusts his sword but Serpent dodges it. Their speed is out of the other investigator's league even the quinckes can't catch their movement anymore. Later then, Kaneki manages to injure his waist and Serpent manages to kick Kaneki's abdomen.

"Hmph, you are good.", says Kaneki as he spits blood.

"Well, thanks for the compliment."

Both of them strike at the same time, Kaneki dodges Serpent's attack and he embeds his sword into Serpent's stomach. The ghoul fall onto the ground and Kaneki raises his sword above of Serpent. Before he gives him the final blow, a lightning strike in front of Kaneki's eyes and fortunately he dodges it. He looks above and he sees another ghoul with rabbit mask jumps from the bridge.

"Shall we stop here? I'm here to pick up this Serpent guy. I don't care about the guy called Torso but I won't let you finish off this guy otherwise it will trouble me."

This ghoul..where did I- Wait. Rabbit? It's the ghoul who killed Mado Kureo and went disappear after it. It's been three years, why Rabbit appears suddenly now?

Not long after, Hirako squad and Mado squad come to give Kaneki assistance, when they see Rabbit Akira looks shock. 

"Tch! Rabbit!", yells Akira furiously but Rabbit remains calm.

Hirako, Itou, Kuroiwa, Akira, and Kaneki cooperate together to capture both Rabbit and Serpent. Right before they strike them, suddenly a thick electrified kagune wall sprout out from the ground. All of the investigators step back and from behind the wall, they see Rabbit's kagune which resembling electrified two giant black and red wings.

"*sigh*..I'm quiet busy and I don't have much time to play with you. So don't get in my way.", says Rabbit as helping Serpent to stand up.

After they were gone and Torso managed to escape, all of them fall into silence.

"Everyone, are you okay?!", yells Shirazu as the three of them approach their superiors.

"...You guys go to the hospital first, we need to have meeting soon."

Looking at Kaneki and the others expression, the quinckes know their superior facing a serious problem, so they leave them quietly.

-CCG Headquarter-
That evening, everyone have an urgent meeting about Serpent and Rabbit appearance. The others keep making ruckus except Kaneki and Akira until Washuu Matsuri enters the meeting room.

"So, I heard the quinx squad encounter S+ Rank Serpent and unknown rank Rabbit while you ambushing Torso?"

Kaneki nods and Matsuri clicks his tongue.

"One after another. Investigator Kaneki, in your opinion what rank Rabbit is?"

"...Three years ago, Rabbit killed Mado Kureo who is a first class investigator. At that time, I estimate Rabbit as S or S+ rank and seems Rabbit's rank become SS and..there's a possibility that Rabbit becomes a chimera."

"Ken, why you can say Rabbit is a chimera?", asks Kuramoto.

"I saw it slightly when Rabbit released the kagune wall, the kagune was released from below the shoulder blade. Rabbit is indeed a ukaku type but now that ghoul has another kagune."

The situation becomes serious and the others keep discussing about them.

...Well, I hope that Rabbit is not a kakuja too.

-20th Ward-
Rabbit enters the cafe and drops Serpent onto the ground, he rubs his waist for several times and complain to Rabbit.

"Ouch! Can you drop me more gently?"

"Don't complain, you almost die just now. Fortunately I was there with you, right?"

"...Tch. By the way, do you know the guy who beat me?"

"Black reaper.", replies Rabbit as she takes off her mask.

"Jeez, then why don't you warn me about him from the beginning?!"

The woman with soft blue haired shrugs then she takes some packages from the fridge and toss it to hazelnut haired man.

"Wait, is it human's or-?"

"Human. Don't worry, I already separate it."

The man thanks her and eat the meat inside of the package meanwhile the woman heading  upstairs, she rummages her fridge and takes out the package labelled 'ghoul'.

"Thanks for the food.", says her as she bites the meat.


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