Chapter 22 - Mission

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Several days later, Touka and the others make some preparation to infiltrate the lab. When they were having a meeting, suddenly someone barge in and tell her to watch the news. She turns on the TV then they watch the Clown attacking the civilians.

Clown? So, they are the ghouls from the other side.

"Everyone, we will split into two groups; white suits and infiltration lab. White suits will protect the civilians and I will decide the members who will come with me to lab. Ayato, Kurona-san, and..Owl, you know RC suppressant's stench so I need your help. The rest will be joined white suits team and I will entrust the group to Tsukiyama."

"OKAY!", shouts everyone except Kaneki. When everyone dispersed, Kaneki suddenly takes Touka's hand and bring her to a quiet place.

"Kaneki? What is it?"

"...Can I come with you?"

"*sigh* You can't. Kaneki, please understand. There's a lot of Clowns out there and I'm sure the others need your strength. Besides, I've chosen the strongest ghouls with me. You don't need to worry."

Kaneki stays quiet then he nods, Touka looks shock when looking him being obedient. She smiles at him and pats his head.

They start their operation on the next day, Touka and white suits are protecting civilians from Clowns. In the middle of the battle, suddenly a group of ghouls with black coat are appearing and they attack Touka and her groups.

Tch! Who are they?! These guys are fast!

"Ghoul with scar on her right eye. You must be current One Eyed King."

These guys, are they investigator? *sniff* No, they reek of ghoul but they are equipping quinque. Are they..V? So, this is what fruit-or something planning, huh. To make V as their reinforcement and playing as a good guy. 

Touka dealing with three of V's member at the same time but she needs go to the lab soon. Touka tells Tsukiyama that she will leave first then she manages to escape the place.

-At Lab-
Ayato and the others already waiting outside then seventeen minutes later, Touka finally arrive.

"Stupid sis, you're late!"

"Shut up, I was being chased by some weirdos. Now let's go!"

Takizawa knocks the guards out then they steal their uniform. They enter one of the lab and looking for the drugs but they can't find it. Touka rummages the documents on the table and found a clue where they put the suppressants; it's on research facility-4.

They're heading there and Ayato senses around eight people in the room. Touka electrocutes the breaker and the lights off inside of the room. One of the research comes out to check the breaker then Touka swiftly stop him. They enter the room and threat them, they will know the consequence if they resist or make a sound. They tied all of the researches and Touka counting them to make sure there are eight person just like Ayato said. While the others are looking for the drugs, Touka sees several tubes with person inside it then she reads the label on each tube; Rize[number].

Ri..ze? What are these things? Is these experiments related to that Rize?

While everyone was busy, suddenly a female researches comes out from behind the table and she runs away. Takizawa stops her but she manages to press a button and at that time, they hear the alarm on as they see a big man inside one of the tubes opens his eyes.


He breaks the glass then he begins to transform and Touka prepares to fight him but Ayato stops her. He tells her to prioritize the drugs first than the enemy in front of her. Touka insists to stop him and she tells Ayato that she knows him and she needs him to live.

"Don't kidding me! How many times you will put yourself into danger?! Everyone needs you right now and I don't want you to get hurt in front of me anymore!!"

Touka becomes quiet for a while then Owl and Kurona tells Kirishima siblings that they will take care of Amon. Touka makes a decision then she and Ayato leave them, after obtain several drugs Touka returned to her friends and she calls Oogura immediately.

Oogura and his assistants operating Akira for several hours, the operation was succeeded and they tell Touka not to worry. Touka extends her hand and thanked them which both of them shake her hand too. After they were leaving, suddenly Touka feels not good then she heading to the rest room silently. She takes out her handkerchief and covers her mouth with it. She feels her chest tightened when she coughs so many times. She is panting and seeing the bloodstains on her handkerchief.

Shit. Please, endure it a bit more.. I must not lose right now.

On the next morning, Mado Akira opens her eyes and Banjou abruptly rushing out from the room. Kaneki who saw it enter the room and greets her.

"Good morning, Akira-san."

"...Kaneki, can you explain what happened? The guy just now is ghoul, right? Why are you with them?"

Kaneki explains what happened to him and zero squad also about Arima's death. After hearing it, Akira tells him to leave her alone and he abides her demand. Kaneki knows she needs some time to adapt to her new environment also she herself aware that she can't return to CCG anymore since she betrays them to protect a ghoul.

On the next morning, Touka opens her cafe and not long after, a customer with big body entered her shop.

"Finally we meet, Rabbit."

"Amon Kotaro, please have a seat."

Amon sits near Touka and she makes a black coffee for him. In the quiet cafe, Touka makes a conversation first. She tells Amon whether will he visit Mado Akira and Amon replies her that he is afraid since he is neither human nor ghoul.

"*sigh* Amon-san, I want to talk to her too and I'm scared too, since I'm the one who killed her father. ...Amon-san, do you resent me?"

"...Yes, before I was become like this. But after I understand about ghouls, my hatred burns to this world."

"I see.. Then, I will ask you another question. So, will you go to see her or not? If it were me, I will be happy to see the person that I cherish even if he forgets about me or his appearance was changed, as long as he comes back to me, it's alright."

"...*sip* You are a nice person, aren't you? I will meet her. Thank you for giving me some courage."

"*smile* You are welcome."


While Amon is drinking his coffee, suddenly he stops then his expression become serious.

"Rabbit, by any that?"

"See what?"

Without saying any words, suddenly Amon's face turned into red then Touka remembers that he was naked when she found him at the lab.

"Ah, that's..not intentionally, right?"

"...Sorry, I showed you my naked body."

Short after Amon said it, Touka hears a crash from the front door and she saw Kaneki breaking a cup. Both of them stay quiet when they saw Kaneki approaching Amon with a disgusting look.

"Amon-san, I know you're my senior. I admired you but now I really disappointed of you. After you gone for four years, you've become exhibitionism."

"Wait, no. It's not like-"

"I will report this to the police after this battle is over."

"Seriously, listen to me!"

 Both of Black Reaper and Amon keep bickering, Touka silently leaves the room.

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