Chapter 13 - Sorrow

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Four days have passed and finally Kaneki regain his consciousness, with his blurry vision he sees a nurse staring at him and she calls the doctor. The doctor checks Kaneki up and during the examination, Hideyoshi barges into the room while bringing a fruits's basket.

"Kaneki! Thanks goodness! Finally, you awake!", says Hideyoshi as he's crying.

"...Hide? How long I've been hospitalized? I.."

He stares at his right hand and it's already attached with his arm. Hide tells him that he has been in coma for four days and Ui found him at the rooftop. Fortunately, the hand near his body so the doctor can operate him soon. Kaneki remembers about what the last thing that he saw, the One Eyed and Rabbit's true identity. 

Hide walks out from the room to wash the fruits then Kaneki tries to move his right hand but it won't move. He sighs and stares at the window, afterwards his students enter his room. Kaneki looks at them are safe but he doesn't see Shirazu with them.

"Where's Shirazu? Is he being hospitalized here?", asks Kaneki to them and they immediately quiet.

Urie steps forward while holding a book then he throws it into Kaneki and he grabs his clothes.

"Shirazu, he is dead. His wound is too deep and he wanted to see you! It's your fault! If only you return sooner!"

Kaneki stares at Urie for a while then he grabs back Urie's hand.

"So, is this totally my fault, Urie? I abide the upper command and when I was carried out my duty suddenly there are high rank ghouls ambushed me. I almost die and you still blame me, Urie? Then let me ask this; who is the one who fighting alongside him? You lose him because you lack of ability. If you want to curse something, curse your own weakness."

Urie's eyes widened then he abruptly rushes out from the room, the others follow him and shortly after Hide enters the room. He stops and quiet since he overheard it, Kaneki sighs and he asks Hide to leave him alone. Without asking Hide gives him some time and leaves him, Kaneki takes the book with his left hand and he reads it.

Today we investigate about 'Nutcracker', we went patrol to the 20th and Kaneki-san decides to stop at :Re cafe. The waitress there is really beautiful, I saw Kaneki-san keep staring at her. It seems he likes her at the first sight.

...What's this? His diary?

24th December 20xx
We have fun today, Kaneki-san gave me a motorcycle model and it's well made, I like it so much. After the party, I go downstairs and overheard Kaneki-san is wondering about the waitress again. I and Mutsuki decided to help Kaneki-san with getting her name also her number!

I remember it, so he overheard what I've said. Shirazu and Mutsuki...those kids.

25th December 20xx
Today, I and Mutsuki go to :Re shop, I asked her name first but it seems she is a cautious person. She didn't give her name before Mutsuki tell her our name first. Her name is Yomo Touka, it's an unusual name. She tells me that the taciturn waiter who ignore us for the first time we visit the cafe is her brother. I just hope there will be no cold war between Kaneki-san and him after he becomes closer with Touka-san. Later, I asked her phone number. At first, I thought that she won't give her number easily but I never expect she gives it away.

...Wait, why is this book full of about Touka?

Today I visit :Re again, while I enjoying my coffee there's a handsome customer, he is a bit(?) eccentric and it looks like he is come from rich family. He acts friendly but a bit flirty to Touka-san. There's one more guy, a slim man with hazelnut haired. He always sits near the counter and both of Touka and him have a good relationship. I think Kaneki-san has a lot of rivals.

The hell? So, there are many guys who approach her. ...Well, it's normal since she's beautiful.

This noon I and Kaneki-san went to pick 'Nutcracker', I can't forget what she said before I kill her. I don't want to become a burden to my teammates so I decided to relief my stress at :Re cafe. Touka-san maybe noticed what happened to me then we chatted for a moment. She said that this world is kinda mess up, taking another life to save another life. Then I saw her face become sad, I don't know what her past is like and I do not dare to ask her.

Kaneki quiets for several moment and he open the last page; it's the last thing that he wrote before the last operation.

Several days from now, we will begin the extermination operation. This time I won't drag everyone into trouble, I will help them for sure. After it's over, I hope we can have our normal life, where I can take care of my sister and fight alongside with the others too. Also..I hope Kaneki-san can confess to Touka-san soon, I can't wait to see him be happy.

...Shirazu, you aren't a burden at all. To be honest, I envy you. At first, I thought you as a delinquent but you are truly a kind person, you easily making friends and can understand them, unlike me. Even you treat me well after I get jealous of you. I should treat you better. ...I'm sorry, Shirazu. I'm really sorry. 

Kaneki's eyes become blurry and tears falling from his eyes, in silence...he is crying alone for losing another person that he treasured.


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