Chapter 24 - Escape

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Takeomi stares at the photo which given by Yoriko then he lets out a long sigh. Mutsuki saw it and he ask what is his problem, Takeomi tells him that his future wife really want her best friend to attend their wedding but the problem is her best friend was lost for several years. Mutsuki takes a look at the photo then he realizes the person in the photo.

"...Kuroiwa, can I borrow this? I might know this person."   


On the next morning, Kaneki visits the :Re cafe alone and he orders his favorite coffee. Touka pretends that she was never at the place where she eavesdropping the two reapers's conversation. She made his coffee then she leaves immediately after she serves it to Kaneki, but he manages to catch her hand before she leaves.

"Why are you avoiding me, Touka?", asks Kaneki.

"A-Avoiding? No, I am not!"

"Hmm, so suspicious.. Are you hiding something from me?"

"I-I'm not!"

Kaneki stands up and he stares at her really close and it makes her face blush.



"Is that so?", asks Kaneki as he distances himself from her and enjoy his coffee again.

Touka thinks that she needs to distract her mind and she decides to wash the dirty cups.

"Touka, you like me, right?"

Hearing his question, Touka instantly drops the cup and break one. In a second, the room become quiet and they only hear the sounds of the tap water which keep flowing.

"W-What?! I-!"

"Do you remember when we make our first deal? I actually lied that I had reinforcement to ambush you guys. I did it since I know you won't trust me easily, but thanks to that we were getting closer and knowing each other."

"So, you take advantage of me? I can't believe you! I'm sure your sweet word and your feeling to me is bullshit."

"I lied about the ambush, but you're wrong on my feeling point. From the first time I saw you, I can't stop thinking of you. When it was Christmas, I keep thinking whether you were on date or not. When some men approach you, I feel really jealous. That's, my real feeling to you.", says him as smiles.

Touka becomes speechless after she hears his true feeling to her. Suddenly, Tsukiyama barges into the cafe abruptly and break the situation. Kaneki clicks his tongue and Tsukiyama wonders what's wrong with him. Touka asks him for what reason he comes here then Tsukiyama turns on the TV.

They watched Washuu Kichimura leads several children in black clothes and black mask as known as Oggai are holding ghoul's heads. Suddenly Touka remembers about the children at lab then she inspects the ghouls and she realize them; they are from base 3. Touka tells Tsukiyama to gather the others for urgent meeting.

After discussing with the others, Touka decides to dissolve all bases and she tells their time and assembly point. They immediately move out and right before Touka closes the cafe, Kaneki tells her that he will go with her. Touka agrees with him and when Kaneki is going to close the front door, suddenly Mutsuki appears in front of him.

"Finally, I found you, sensei. I already come here for several times but I can't find you."

"M-Mutsuki? What are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna take you home, sensei. Your place is not here."

"Kaneki, are you-?"

Both Touka and Mutsuki stop as they see each other then Mutsuki immediately takes out his knife and attack Touka. 

"Touka!", yells Kaneki as he takes out his quinque but he feels another presence aiming for him. He blocks it and Shisanpei cusses, he tells Kaneki that he will be his opponent instead since he gets in his way to exterminate the ghoul. 

On other side, Touka and Mutsuki are fighting and he knows how to weakened Touka, he takes out a piece of hand and shows it to her. He tells her that this hand is her best friend's hand but Touka won't buy it and she kick his neck then she holds him down by pierced his limbs with her koukaku kagune. Touka smells many others presence outside and she knows that she needs to get out from there immediately. She doesn't any choice but to transform into her dragon form to protect herself and Kaneki.

She transforms then she snatches Kaneki and run away before the Oggais barge into the cafe. Both of Shisanpei and Mutsuki look shock when they see the dragon but without wasting time, Mutsuki commands the Oggai to chase after them. Some of them searches the whole building then one of the Oggai found a Rabbit mask and give it to Mutsuki.

"Rabbit? So, that woman is Rabbit and the dragon-One Eyed King too."

"Mutsuki! That ghoul, she is the one who crushed my aunt's legs! We must capture her!"

"Shisanpei, no need to rush. We must report it to the headquarter and..capture Takeomi's fiancee. After their wedding, of course."


Touka and Kaneki escape and take a shelter at an abandoned building. After Kaneki makes sure there's no one following them, he sees Touka leaning on the wall while panting. He asks her condition and she tell him that she is okay, just tired from moving with high speed. Kaneki decides to rest beside Touka and they spend their time in silence. head is throbbing. Please don't be relapse at this time.

Suddenly Touka feels Kaneki pulling her head gently and leaned her head to his shoulder. Kaneki strokes her head several times and Touka feels getting better.

"...Thanks.", says her as she enjoying the gentle stroke on her head.

"No problem, you saved my life too."

After several moments, the throb has stopped and Touka awake from her short nap. Kaneki notices it then he strokes her cheek, he asks whether she is getting better or not and Touka answers him with a nod.

"Uh, Kaneki. Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"About..your feeling to me. Why do you like me?"

"Hmm~ So, you curious about it. Well, I can understand it since you can't hear my conversation with Arima-san, right?"

"Wait, what? Y-You know about that?"

"Of course. You are so cute, using the opportunity when that old cat came to us."

Knowing that Kaneki knew it was her along the time, Touka feels embarrassed and her face become red. Kaneki chuckles while stroking Touka's head.

"Touka, you are the most beautiful person that I ever met in my life. You are pretty indeed, but what I love about you more is your personality; your persistence, your bravery, your kindness, and your mindset about human, that's all I like about you. It's not me who captured you but you are the one who captured me first."

Touka's eyes widened then she smiles at him as she is blushing.

"Thank you for being honest to me, Kaneki. I appreciate your feeling to me. And..I need to tell you about my feeling too. I think..I like you too."

Touka sees Kaneki smiles at her brightly, by seeing his bright smile, Touka instantly kiss his lips. Kaneki's eyes widened then he pulls her face closer to his and they tangled their tongue with the moonlight shining upon them. 


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