Chapter 5 - :Re

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After the meeting is over, Kaneki fainted and he was sent to hospital immediately. Several of his ribs are ruptured and he needs to be hospitalized for a week. During his treatment, he keep thinking about his job and making report about the last mission. On the fifth day Suzuya Juuzou and his team visit him, they bring some fruits for him and they shares information about their case. Currently, Suzuya squad are investigating about a ghoul called 'Nutcracker'.

"Suzuya-san, why that ghoul is called 'Nutcracker'?", asks Shirazu while he is peeling an apple for his mentor.

"That's because she likes to crush men's testicles~", replies Suzuya as he eats lollipop.

Shirazu feels shock and he accidentally cut his own finger, he yelps in pain but the others ignore him and keep discussing about the case. Kaneki reads the report and he says he is willing to help if they need it. Suzuya grateful to him then he hugs Kaneki before they leave the hospital.

Two days later, Kaneki discharges from the hospital and return to the house. Shirazu, Mutsuki, and Saiko greet him, meanwhile Urie just glances him while reading newspaper. Kaneki approaches Urie then suddenly he punches him, the others who witness it don't dare to talk and Urie stands up as he glaring to his mentor.

"What is it for?!", asks Urie furiously.

"What? Don't you realize about your mistake, Urie? Back then you are being reckless and you put your friends in danger."

"...So what? Who knows I can defeat him."

"You can't, you're not his match."

"Tch! Don't get in my way, investigator Kaneki. If I can defeat him, I can get promotion.", says him accidentally.

Urie who realizes it shut his mouth immediately and Kaneki has decided what he needs to do.

"Urie Kuki, I dismiss you as team leader. I can't let someone who selfish and doesn't know his own limit become a leader. From now..Shirazu, you are the team leader."

"W-Wha..! But Kaneki-san, I'm stupid in class even more than Saiko!"

"At least you care about your friend. It much better than someone who only drag the others into danger."

Urie feels upset then he leaves the room without saying anything, he headed to his room and lock himself. Kaneki can only sigh by looking at his attitude then he tells Shirazu and Mutsuki to go patrol with him. They walk for several hours until they reach the 20th ward, the most peaceful ward in Tokyo.

...This ward never change, it's still peaceful even after Anteiku was destroyed two years ago.

Anteiku is a cafe at 20th ward but no one knows the whole staffs there are ghouls. The one who realize it is Shinohara investigator who still in coma until now since he fought with one eyed owl. One eyed owl is still alive and hides somewhere which this case was charged to Arima and the other special class. 

Feeling tired, Kaneki decides to stop somewhere and take a rest. He suddenly smells a delicious coffee aroma from a cafe. They approaches the place and look at the cafe's name board, it's written :Re.

"Hmm.. What an unique name. How did we read it? Re? Ri?", asks Shirazu.

Mutsuki tilts his head, signing that he doesn't know either. The three of them enter the cafe, there are a lot of books and antique things inside. Shirazu sees the waiter behind the counter and he calls him but the silver haired man ignores him.

"...He ignores me. How the heck we can order here?", complains Shirazu.

Shortly they hear a woman scold the waiter, telling him not to ignore the customer. Kaneki looks at the waitress then his eyes widened when he sees the blue haired woman with short cut and her bangs covering her right eye. The woman pauses for a seconds when she looks at the black haired customer.

"Sorry for the wait, dear customer. Please, have a seat here.", says her as she leads the customers to the seats near the window.

After several moments Shirazu and Mutsuki have choose their drinks and when the barista asks to Kaneki, he doesn't answer her but he stares at her instead. Shirazu and Mutsuki stare each other then Shirazu knocks the table.

"Kaneki-san, your order!", whispers Shirazu.

"O-Oh, sorry. One black coffee without sugar, please."

The waitress takes notes then she begin to make three coffees. Shirazu stares at Kaneki who can't let his sight off from the waitress then he whispers to Mutsuki.

"Something wrong with Kaneki-san, he is always looking at the waitress. Is this his first love?"

Mutsuki stares at Kaneki then he chuckles, he whispers at Shirazu back and telling him 'maybe'. Several minutes later, the coffee's fragrant are spreading inside the cafe. The waitress serves it to them then they enjoy the coffee.

"Whoa! It's delicious!", says Shirazu and Mutsuki.

"...Yes, it is. This is the best coffee I ever drink.", says Kaneki as he looks at the waitress.

The blue haired waitress looks at him with her purple eyes then she gives him smile.

"Thank you very much.", says the waitress.

When the waitress leaves them and go back to the kitchen, Kaneki still staring at her. Shirazu and Mutsuki who just discover the new side of Kaneki can't stop grinning, shortly after Kaneki feels they're staring at him then he glares at them and they avert their eyes.

After they finish have the drinks, they decide to patrol a bit longer then go home. Once again, the blue haired waitress see them off and right before they leave the cafe, they can hear 'Thank you. Please come again.' from the waitress and it makes Shirazu can't stop grin.

"Kaneki-san should replies 'I'll be back' like term*nator to her.", whispers Shirazu to Mutsuki.

Both of them are trying hard not to laugh out loud since they afraid what will Kaneki do to them. Meanwhile, Kaneki keep quiet while he is thinking about the waitress.

She is beautiful but...I think I've ever heard her voice before. But when?  

-:Re Cafe-
After the waitress sees the customers off, she gives a long sigh then the waiter approaches her.

"Touka, that's.."

"Black reaper, as the rumor said..he is sharp and dangerous. I have feeling that he keep monitoring me. We should tell the others to keep their guard up."


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