Chapter 6 - Nutcracker

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Few days later, the quinx squad and Suzuya squad have a meeting about Nutcracker. Suzuya's squad managed to identify her face, her habitat, also they discover about her involvement in human trafficking for auction which she works for a ghoul called Big Madam.

After the meeting, Urie tells Kaneki that he needs to talk with him privately. After the rest of members are heading back first, Urie takes out a paper and Kaneki read it; it's a consent form for operation.

"I want to open the next frame since I believe I can control my kagune more better. Also, I think it's my time to take another step on experiment."

"I see.. If you are already confident about your own ability I will approve it. But don't force yourself too much since you aren't guinea pig for me."

Kaneki signs it then he leaves him first.

"...Even so, it's everything to me.", whispers Urie.

-At :Re-
The blue haired waitress is cleaning the bookshelves then she hears the bell ringing.

"Welco-", she stops as she sees Black Reaper enters her cafe again. 

Kaneki brings the documents and sits at seats beside window, shortly the waitress approaches him to takes his order. He immediately order black coffee without sugar and after the waitress leaves him, Kaneki is wandering around the cafe and he browses the books on the bookshelves. 

"You can read it."

Kaneki turns around and sees the waitress bringing his coffee. He takes one book with him then the waitress serves the coffee on the table.

"...Miss, have we ever met before?"

"Yes, when you visit me days ago."

"No, I mean..before that."

Touka shakes her head and Kaneki becomes silent.

"By the way, are you a school teacher, sir? Last time, your student called you 'teacher'."

"Oh..I'm ghoul investigator and I'm their mentor."

"I see.. Ah, I'd like to talk with you but I need to do something. Please excuse me."

When she leaves him, he feels the pain in his chest.

What's wrong with me? Why my chest feels hurt?

He drinks his coffee while reading the book and he keep looking at the kitchen where the waitress has gone but she won't appear until he finishes his coffee. He pays to waiter then he heading back to the chateau. 

-Quinckes's House-
At evening, Kaneki has meeting with quinckes except Urie who still hospitalized. 

We don't know where the auction will be held. In that case, we need to make contact with Nutcracker and infiltrate the auction itself. 

He re-reads the Nutcracker's victim lists for a while then he makes a decision.

"Guys, we'll become girls.", says him calmly.

Shirazu's jaw dropped, Mutsuki stares at his mentor quietly, and Saiko awakes from her sleep.

"Don't worry, I will dress you up."

"Err..Kaneki-san, that's not it."

"Oh, do you worry about the boobies? Don't worry, I will make it for you."

Shirazu starts coughing until Kaneki completely gone to his room.

"...Is maman getting possessed by any chance?", asks Saiko.

On the next evening, Kaneki and the others quinckes members dress up as women and they go to a club at 19th ward. The crowds make Shirazu sick but he knows that he must to do it in order to get into the auction. He stares at his mentor who wears a one piece black dress with black stocking and high heels also to Mutsuki who wears simple dress with black blazer.

"...Wait. Ain't we, no..I mean I a bit outta place here? Why the hell Kaneki-san and Tooru are suitable in those dress?!?", yells Shirazu as he grabs his clothes.

"Shi-chan, you need to be feminine. Also, call me Kaneko. Now don't whine and look for Nutcracker."

All of them split up, Mutsuki takes a glass of wine then looking for the target. After several moment, Kaneki and Shirazu spot the target is talking to a woman and they are grouping together.

This is not good, she is already target-

Suddenly they hear Mutsuki's laughter and he approaches Nutcracker.

"What the-"

"Maman, Mutsuki reeks of alcohol..", says Saiko.

"*sweat* He is still underage.."

Shortly, Mutsuki notices his comrades and run towards them.

"Sir!! She invites me to a part-time job!! *hiccup* She gives me the address, so we can *hiccup* infiltrates the auction!"

Kaneki stays quiet for a moment but then he praises him. The three of his students celebrating by dancing meanwhile Kaneki chooses to stay on the side.

The next morning, Kaneki and Suzuya report it to Matsuri. He reads the report then he decides to let Mutsuki to attend the auction as he promised with Nutcracker.

"...Alone?", asks Kaneki as he clenches his hands.

"Of course, otherwise it will be strange. Besides, you can't bring quinque with you. Then, what is it quinckes for?"

"Associate special class Washuu, it's still too early to entrust this mission to him."

"...So what? Do you object my decision, Kaneki?"

Both of them glare each other until Suzuya asks Matsuri's permission to participate the auction. He says that it will better two than one to attack from the inside, since his reason makes sense therefore Matsuri allow it. After they coming out from the room, Kaneki halts Suzuya and suddenly Suzuya bursts out of laugh.

"Kaneki, oh my God.. You always challenge associate special class Washuu."

"I just be honest. By the way, Juuzou..thank you for earlier."

"Don't sweat it, besides..I need to meet someone at the auction."

Suzuya pats Kaneki's shoulder then he gives him a sad expression which make Kaneki confuses.

-Aogiri Tree Base-
The brown-short haired ghoul looking for her companion, after she found him she tells him that their leader is looking for him. The young ghoul goes down and looking for his leader.

"Eto, what is it?", asks him as he looks at the girl wrapped in bandages.

"Ayato-kun~ Tatara said that you will be Big Madam's bodyguard. I'm here to tell about the teams..there will be yours, Miza's, and Naki's."

Ayato nods then before Eto leaves, she turns around and says, "Ah..I heard Rabbit goes hunting again. If she comes, you know what you need to do."

The bandaged woman disappear from his sight, Ayato clenches his hands and bites his lower lips.

"Sis...", whispers Ayato.


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