Chapter 7.1 - Auction Mopping Out Operation (Part 1)

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The day has come, Mutsuki and Suzuya dress up as girls and ride a taxi. On their way, they were attacked by some ghouls and get kidnapped by them. The rest of investigators try to located them but they failed since they lost signal with two of them.

Several hours later, Mutsuki awake in the darkness and his head feels hurt. He tries to contact his comrades but failed since the signal was jammed. Suddenly he hears cheering sound from the outside then he sees someone open the door. A female ghoul in lingerie force him out and Mutsuki sees a lot of ghouls around him. The male ghoul with clown mask takes off his eye patch and shown his one eyed ghoul.

The audiences are start bidding especially for number 1 and 110, they keep bidding until the number 1 win. After Mutsuki was brought somewhere, the next person is a beautiful girl who looks like doll. Before the bid was started, he takes out his blades from his prosthetic right leg and it makes the situation chaos. The Black Rabbit who sees it jumps down and deals with Suzuya, meanwhile the rests of the ghouls are running away. 

Meanwhile, Mutsuki was being dragged somewhere by Nutcracker. He collects his courage to fight her back, he kicks her feet and flee somewhere but shortly after he hides, a purple haired ghoul spots him and digs into Mutsuki's flesh. While the purple haired ghoul is enjoying her meal, suddenly Torso appears and they are fighting for the one eyed ghoul. While they are fighting, Mutsuki uses this chance to flee once again.

Not long after, the purple haired ghoul defeats Torso and she continues pursuing Mutsuki. Mutsuki who was injured can't move too far therefore he was founded again by purple haired ghoul. Before she stabs him, quinx squad arrive at the right time and they working together to defeat the ghoul. They manage to beat her and right before they give the final blow, a koukaku kagune snatches the ghoul and saves her companion. She detaches her kagune and it forms a kagune wall.

It looks similar with Rabbit's. This is bad..this place is full with high rank ghouls.

Kaneki receives a call from Matsuri and he gives the information that Big Madam and the customers who is hiding somewhere inside the building are under Aogiri's protection. He commands Kaneki to find them before they run away also he declares Nutcracker's rank become S. Hence, Matsuri assigns quinx and Ato's squad to exterminate her at administrative building. Before he ends the call, Kaneki asks his permission to give Mutsuki the order to retreat since he is injured and Matsuri approves it.

"Mutsuki, good work. Your mission is ended here, so return to headquarter and get treatment. Urie, I entrust him to you."

"Wait! Why me?! (What the hell? How about my achievement?)"

"Shirazu has bad direction and Saiko lacks of fighting power. Only you who can I rely now, please."

Without saying anything, Urie walks away and Mutsuki follows him. Kaneki, Shirazu, and Saiko heading to Nutcracker's location. When they are on the way, Kaneki suddenly stops and so do his subordinates.

"Kaneki-san, what's wrong?", asks Shirazu.

Kaneki stares at a dark hallway and he commands his subordinates to stay still there. He moves quietly until his feet hits something, he kneels and pick up a book. He confuses why there's a book in that place then as his vision adapt with the darkness, he opens the book. He sees several notes about some difficult words also a piece of paper on it. The picture is about a family consists of father, mother, and a daughter smiling happily. He stares it for a while without realizing there's a ghoul who monitoring him.


-? POV-
The brown haired ghoul dropped her favorite book when she is moving around. She goes back to retrieve it but when she is nearby, she senses someone's presence. She hides behind the wall and she sees a man picks her book.

Black reaper?! Why it must be him from all the people? Is he alone here? ...No, there're two more near here.

She sees the black reaper opens her book, takes out the paper and stares it. When she sees it, she decides to come out but suddenly the black reaper takes out a pen.

Huh? A pen? What is he doing? Eh? He is scribbling something on my book? 

After then, he puts the book down and go away. The ghoul comes out from behind the wall and pick the book. Inside of it, she sees some additional notes also some corrections of her writing.

...This is.. Black reaper, you are such a weird person.


Kaneki has returned from the dark hallway then he tells Shirazu there's nothing there and tell them to continue their mission. 

-Urie and Mutsuki POV-
On their way to exit, Urie suddenly stops and lying that they get lost. He apologies to Mutsuki and he suggests him to join with the other squad until they find the exit. While they are running, Mutsuki tells Urie about what he have been through before they rescue him.

"By the way, Mutsuki.. When you were in auction, how many ghouls are there?"

"Uh..I think several hundreds."

Several hundreds.. If I can take care of them, I will gain unthinkable credit. Since CCG hasn't discovered any information about the participants of the auction, they must be hiding somewhere in this building. Let's see, stage..stage.. The underground facility.

While running, suddenly Mutsuki stops and grabs his stomach, Urie asks him whether he can still going or not and Mutsuki nods. They rush to the hallway and Urie looking for a device. Once he found it, he and Mutsuki go down using it and they can see many ghouls are trying to flee.

"Bingo.", says Urie as he smirks.


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