Chapter 25 - Love Blooming

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WARNING : This part contains a bit *cough* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) plot.


Both Kaneki and Touka are lying on the floor, in the quiet night they can hear each other's panting sounds. They keep tangling their tongue as they begin to enjoy their moment, Kaneki licks and sucks her neck meanwhile his hands begin touching her body beneath her clothes and she moaning. When Kaneki is touching her legs, Touka warns herself that she needs to stop before they go any further. Touka grabs his hands and tells him to stop, Kaneki respects her demand so he stop.

"What's wrong, Touka?"

"S-Sorry. I'm not ready to do 'that'...yet. Not until the battle is over."

"Alright, I understand. Then, I will be waiting. ...It's getting really late, let's sleep. We need to meet the others tomorrow."

"Yeah. Actually, I want to visit someone on the next morning. Will you come with me?"

Kaneki smiles and nods, then he hugs Touka until they fall asleep together. In the next morning, Touka bring Kaneki along with her to a place where they can see a small church. Both of them are hiding under the trees shadow then they see the bride and the groom, both of them look so happy.

"The bride is my dearest friend, Yoriko. I left her without saying goodbye four years ago. She is pretty, isn't it?"

"Yes, she is. By the way, I know the groom. He is one of my colleagues, Kuroiwa Takeomi. He is a person with high responsibility. I'm sure that he will protect your best friend."

Touka smiles at Kaneki then she takes off the necklace that she is wearing, she gives it to him and tells him that it's her treasure, she wants him to hold it for her. Kaneki smiles then he wears it on his neck. After looking the wedding ceremony, they continue their journey to eighth ward.


-Several Months Later at Ghoul's Base-
After several days went hunting, Touka returns to the base drenched by blood. She and her team manage to disarm the doves and steal their quinques. Then they throw several bodies to the ghouls there.

"Everyone, I'm sorry I only bring a bit food for you. We only manage to bring this many, since it's really chaos up there. But I promise you, I won't abandon you."

After her speech, she heading back to her room and she takes a shower to get rid the bloods on her body. While she is drying her hair with towel, suddenly she falls down, her headache become more frequently since the battle with the Oggai. When she is trying to stand up, suddenly someone knocks her door; it's Tsukiyama.

"Kirishima-san? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, just get stumbled. What's wrong?"

"We found a rat among us, he is an Oggai named Hajime Hazuki. He was caught by Toshio-san and Hirako-san."

Touka and Tsukiyama heading to the place where they imprisoned him. Touka sees the zero squads and Kaneki there, then they tell her more detail about him. Kaneki handed a letter from him to her and she reads it. Her eyes wide opened then she bites her lips till bleeding.

"Touka, what's wrong?!", asks Kaneki worriedly.

"One of your student, he is telling me that Yoriko has been imprisoned for violation of the counter measures act. He said if I won't show up from 12th till 17th at 9 p.m, I will know the consequence. Hmm, it seems he has grudge to me."

"It's a trap, Touka. I don't know why he hates you but I'm sure Mutsuki has changed. He will capture you with any way. ...Takeomi, I'm sure he won't stay still looking at his wife being imprisoned like that."

"...I know. Just, don't let that brat break out from the prison."

Suddenly all of them look shock when they are looking at Touka's eyes.

"T-Touka?!? Your eyes!"

Touka feels her eyes become wet suddenly then she weeps it with her hand, she sees blood on it.

"I'm fine, just need some rest. (Dammit, it's getting worse day by day.)"

Touka returns to her room and shortly after she hears Kaneki knocking her door then she permits him to enter her room.

"Are you okay?"

"A bit dizzy, I guess I was too tired after fighting the investigators out there."

Suddenly Kaneki carries her then he lay her on the bed, he sits besides her and puts her head on his lap. Kaneki knows that Touka really like her head being stroked so he gives it to her until she falls asleep.

On the next morning, Touka awakes and find herself sleep with a blanket. She has a good sleep last night after she asleep on Kaneki's lap. When she is going to head out, suddenly she has another headache and nausea then she runs to the restroom. She enters one of stalls and she throws up, meanwhile Nishiki who passes the restroom saw it.

What's wrong with her? Since we dissolve our base, her health become worse and worse. Hmm? Dissolve the base..? Wait, I often saw her spending her night with Black Reaper since that night. Don't tell me! They already DO THAT?!?

Nishiki runs to the investigators room then he barges in dispute they are ex-enemies. He approaches Kaneki then he grabs his collar.

"Kaneki, you better take responsibility!"

"...What the hell are you talking about? Responsibility for what?"

"For what?! For Touka, duh! You can't lie to me! I already see her pregnancy signs!"

Hearing 'pregnancy' from Nishiki; Kaneki flabbergasted, Arima's eyeglasses break again, Hirako drops his quinque, and the three kids smile awkwardly.

"Pregnant? Since when she-? Wait."

Suddenly Kaneki stops his words as he tries to remember the nights that he spent with Touka. He was indeed spending the night several times with Touka but he can't remember whether he do 'that' or not to Touka. When he is spacing out, Toshio grabs his shoulder and confirmed what Nishiki said to him. Kaneki admits that he spends several nights with her and right before he finishes his explanation, everyone look at him in disbelieve then they push him out from the room and they command him to talk about it first with Touka.

Kaneki rushes to Touka's room and slam her door.




* Toshio Shimizu is Arima Kishou's given name by Touka to hide his identity. 

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