Chapter 17 - Wavering Thought

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"Washuus are ghouls? Impossible. Then why the RC gates don't react to them?", asks Kaneki.

"That's because they built it special for them. The gates won't react to any ghoul who has V's blood, including me. You aware it, right? When I enter this building, it didn't ring at all."

Kaneki becomes quiet all along the way to Eto's cell and she realizes it.

"Still won't believe me? If you want a proof, I can prove it. Put this on my cell.", says her as she is pointing to the voice recorder on Kaneki's pocket.

Kaneki feels unsure about this but he does what she said then after he accompanies her to her cell, Kaneki heads back to Arima's house. As usual Arima heads back home late so Kaneki prepares the dinner for him.

If Washuu clan are ghouls, then does Arima know about this? He is a sharp person and he works at CCG for a long time, I'm sure that he can distinguish between human and ghoul. ...Unless, he is cooperating with them. ...No, I can't jump into conclusion just like that.

Forty five minutes later, Arima reaches his home then he puts his coat and have dinner together with Kaneki. While eating, Arima was explaining about the strategy that they will do for protecting Cochlea but Kaneki doesn't pay attention on it. Arima notices it and he asks whether Kaneki is listening to him or not, Kaneki apologies then Arima continues explaining his strategy. After they finish their dinner, Arima cleans the dishes and Kaneki still staring him from behind his back. 

"Ken, do you have something need to say to me?"

"...No Arima-san, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. I will return to my room first. Goodnight."

"Alright. Goodnight, Ken."

Kaneki returns to his room then he rests his head on his study table.

*sigh* ...I can't ask him about that. 


On the next morning, Kaneki heads to the headquarter to bid farewell to his friends who will depart to Rushima Island. As he arrives there, Kaneki sees Urie with the three new members. He remembers that he never visits them for once, that's why he decides to greet them and they look nervous when Kaneki greets them.

"Sensei / Maman?"

Kaneki turns around and he sees Mutsuki and Saiko behind him. Kaneki stares at them for a while then he pats their head.

"Saiko, Mutsuki, Urie, also.. Cing-Li Hsiao, Aura Shisanpei, and Higemaru Touma. Don't die, okay?"

Three of them surprise when they hear it from him then Kaneki pats Urie's shoulder and tells him that he's counting on him. Later he hears someone yelling his name from behind and his best friend hugs him once again.

"Oi, Kaneki! Guard the Cochlea well and don't die, okay?!"

"That's my line. You gotta be careful and don't die, Hide."

"OK! You can leave it to me! Ah, I gotta go now! See you later, Kaneki!"

After seeing the groups depart to Rushima Island, Kaneki heads to Cochlea and meet Eto once again. Eto looks down and tell him to listen the voice recorder. Kaneki listens to it; he hears Eto's voice and another person who Kaneki knows well, it's his current partner, Furuta Nimura. They talked about V, one eyed king identity, and a doctor called Kanou then right before Furuta left, Eto said that how does it feel when he can't call the chairman as 'father' and he gave her a hostility respond.

" washuu?"

"He doesn't deny it, right? Also, he knows about V."

"...Then who is this Dr. Kanou?"

"Mad scientist. He does experiment on human and turn them into ghoul. You fought one of his experiment at the auction, the strongest one."

Kaneki remembers Owl that he fought with and Eto smiles.

"He is a former human and he was your senior, his name is Takizawa Seidou. Feel free to investigate about him."

Kaneki heading to headquarter and read Takizawa Seidou's profile, he was missing since Anteiku Raid together with investigator named Amon Koutarou. 

...What she said it's true.

Suddenly his thought was disturbed by someone, he tells Kaneki to meet Chigyo Kouitsu to take the new quinque. Kaneki puts down the documents then he goes to his lab. As he arrives, Chigyo handed him the twin blade and Kaneki try using it.

Eto was being targeted by V since she defends other ghouls meanwhile V using humans to eradicate other ghouls besides their own clan. ...Even though my parents were killed by ghouls, somehow I feel bad for them..being chased by us and V. I wonder, is it okay for me to stay quiet like this.


Later that evening, Touka dresses up as a young mechanical man with black eyes and black hair meanwhile Yomo wears gas mask like Banjou and his team. Touka sneaks between the bushes then she sees the person who she impersonated with. While he was bringing down several tools, she silently abducts him and pass him out. Touka binds him and covers his eyes and mouth with cloth then she duplicates his ID card and pastes the data into her fake ID card.

I'm glad Hori-san willing to help me with this card and with information about CCTV maintenance. Well, I guess I will infiltrate cochlea before Ayato and the others ambush this place.

Touka wears her hat then she brings the tools with her, as she is entering the Cochlea, she sees several officers check her belongings then they ask for her ID card. After checking the ID, the guard tells her the CCTV on 2nd floor is off then he allows her to pass through. Touka sees there are two RC gates then before she passes it, she intentionally drops the tools and while she picks them, Touka silently activates her kakugan and electrocute both of the RC gates. After she ensures the RC gates were turned off, she passes it safely then she heading to the security room.

On her way, Touka passes several investigators and she act naturally. When she almost reaches the CCTV room, she sees Kaneki with the other investigators. She lowers her hat and bows to them, after she passes them she feels relief but then...

"You. Hey, you there. Stop.", says Kaneki.


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