Chapter 12.1 - Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation (Part 1)

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Tsukiyama busies himself with making plan to rescue his servant then suddenly Mirumo, Shuu's father gives him a cup of coffee and tells him to take a rest first. He thanked his father and drink the coffee, shortly he feels sleepy and he passes out. Mirumo pats his son's head before he tells Matsumae to take him away from there.

After they were gone, the doves surround the house and start infiltrate the place. When they entering the main house, they see Mirumo just standing in front of them. He tells the doves that he doesn't intent to resist then he tells them where his servants are. Soon, Ui announces that they have capture Tsukiyama Mirumo and other investigators outside feel relief. Only Kaneki, Ui, and Matsuri who found it fishy; both Ui and Matsuri inspect the parking lot and they found a tire mark there.

"It seems he is hiding something from us which important than his life."

"A successor, huh? Everyone, leave Mirumo to the other squad. We need to capture his successor."

Tsukiyama regains his consciousness and he found out himself in the car. He asks Matsumae what's happening and where's his father, she tells him that Mirumo stayed in the mansion in order to hold CCG back so they can escape to the 8th ward. Even though Shuu commands her to go back to mansion, she disobeys him and tells him not to let his father sacrifice in vain.

Shuu and Matsumae have arrived at Lunatic Eclipse, one of Tsukiyama's group building at 8th ward and immediately the owner of several big companies assist him by providing him a helicopter to escape. But not long after they arrive, Ihei's squad manages to track him down and begin to annihilate ghouls inside of the building.

Several minutes later, Kaneki and quinckes arrive and they assist the other groups, while they are fighting Ui commands Kaneki to go to the rooftop first. He leaves the squad to Shirazu then he heading to upstairs. 

Meanwhile the quinx squad join with Kuramoto Ito's squad, they keep going until they meet a Noro, a quiet ghoul who wearing a white mask with a giant mouth. Right before they attack him, his body elongated and his kagune resembling worm with sharp teeth eat two investigators at the same time. Urie cuts one of his kagune then instructs the other quinckes; Mutsuki pinned Noro down meanwhile Shirazu throws his quinque which destroy Noro's stomach, and then Saiko cuts his body into two parts.

One of the investigators approaches Noro and thrust his head with his sword but in seconds the another part of his body turn into kagune and it became fiercer than before. The kagunes attacks brutally and injures the rest of investigators except Shirazu.

Everyone! If this keep going, they will die! What should I do?!

When he is fighting with his own fear, he suddenly remembers what his promises. He looks at his friends then he remembers at the time when he spent with them.

...No! I can't give up! I already promised the others that I won't drag them down! I will protect everyone!

-At Rooftop-
Kaneki stop cleaning his sword then he hears someone open the door, he turns around and sees the purple haired ghoul.

"Hello, Tsukiyama Shuu."

...Are you fucking kidding me? Black Reaper, all of the doves why it must be him? How did he come here first? 

"Tsukiyama Shuu, I suggest you to surrender now if you treasure your own life."

"Surrender? Don't kidding me! Papa, Matsumae, and the others sacrifice their life to save me and you tell me to surrender myself?! Never!!"

He takes out his kagune they begin attack each other, after several times they clash each other, Kaneki beats him and before he gives him the final blow, someone cuts Kaneki's right hand. He screams in pain then Kanae appears, he lifts Kaneki and slams him onto the wall. He chokes him and drags him to the edge of the building, suddenly Kaneki kicks his chin and he manages to freed himself.

Damn! Fuck! It's hurt as hell! This asshole..I must finish him first, where's my quinque?!

He sees his right hand on the floor then he takes the quinque with his left hand. Kaneki hears the footsteps behind him then he thrusts the sword to behind him. It pierces the ghoul's stomach then it's Kaneki's turn to throw him onto the wall. He kicks the ghoul several times then he feels Tsukiyama pulls his sleeve.

From somewhere, the One Eyed Ghoul smiles then she jumps from building to building and landing to a building where Kaneki and Tsukiyama are then she swings her hand and slamming them to the wall.

"Hello, Black Reaper~ Nice to meet you."


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