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I decided to FaceTime Alex and see what the fuck was going on.

Alex: hey

Maya: what's going on? Why is Melody pissed at me?

Alex: because I dumped her so I could get over you.

Maya: wh-what?

Alex: I'm in love with you. I didn't realize it until I stopped acting like I hated you. 

Maya: so why date Melody? You could've easily saved her from a broken heart and you could've saved us from a broken friendship.

Alex: I used her as an anchor, that's why.

Maya: Alex. We can't be together. I like someone else and I just broke up with your best friend. It won't ever happen.

Alex: whatever.

He replied and then hung up.

I didn't know what to do, so I just started crying.

A few minutes went by of the only noise being my cries, until a knock happened on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I say.

"It's me," Zane replied.

"Come in," I said, followed by Zane entering my room.

"What's wrong?" He asks, once he sees tears running down my face.

"Alex and Melody broke up because Alex loves me and now Melody is mad at me and Jasmine is moving back home to Minnesota with my mom because my mom isn't doing good and I can't do anything about it," I ranted.

"Okay, deep breath. Tell me what happened, slowly." He soothed.

I took his advice and took a deep breath, before continuing.

"Alex dumped Melody because he's in love with me, so, Melody is pissed at me. My sister, Jasmine, is moving back home to Minnesota because my mom isn't doing well. I feel so... Stuck." I say, slow but fast enough so Zane can process what I'm saying.

"What can I do to help?" Zane asked.

"Kiss me." I reply.

"What?" He said, taken aback.

"Kiss me." I repeat.

And then, he leans in.

I lean into him as well, our lips soon connecting.

It wasn't like you see in the vlogs. He was gentle, and soft.

That sounded bad, sorry.

We keep going for about another minute or so, and then we pull away.

"You felt it too, right?" He asks.

"Felt what?" I question.

"The sparks." He answers.

I then look into his eyes, as he looked at me as if he was searching for my answer.

"Of course I did." I reply, pecking his lips.

We then decided to cuddle in my bed, just scrolling through our phones.

CRASH//Zane Hijazi *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now