Unwelcome Change

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Shirou POV

As we continued on our way to Ylisstol through the forest, it was getting dark out & Lissa was starting to complain endlessly about it.

Lissa: I told you—it's getting dark already! ...Ech! And now the bugs are out! Noisy, disgusting bugs that buzz around and crawl all over and bite you when—Agh! Won goph in mah mouph! Blech! Ptooey!

Chrom: Aw, come on now, Lissa. Hardship builds character. Want to help me gather firewood?

Lissa: Tpht! Tpht! Yeeeeeuck! ...I think I swallowed it... I'll pass on finding firewood, thanks. I think I've built QUITE enough character for one day!

Robin: We should probably think about food. I don't know about you, but I'm starving.

Frederick: Yes, I should think a little hunting and gathering is in order. Now, who wants to clear a campsite?

Shirou: I'm up for it, what about you Artoria?

Artoria: Of course Shirou.

After a while, we had made a campfire while Chrom & Frederick had gotten some wild game to eat. Both Robin & Artoria had their mouths watering at the mere sight of the food they would shortly be consuming.

Shirou: Mmm... Eating bear meat never gets old, it's just so good!

Chrom: Mmhm... I know what you mean Shirou, It's jest been too long since I last had bear meat. Delicious! ...What's wrong, Lissa? Dig in.

Lissa: Pass! ...Gods, couldn't you spear us an animal normal people eat for once? I mean, come on! Who eats bear?! You're meddling with the food chain. Right, Robin? Artoria? ...Uh, Robin? Artoria?

Robin: *Munch, munch, slurp*

Artoria: *Slurp, munch, slurp*

Lissa: *Sigh* I suppose a person would enjoy just about anything after not eating for days...

Artoria: *Gulp* I simply enjoy the taste of all foods lady Lissa. *Munch, munch*

Chrom: Just eat it, Lissa. Meat is meat.

Lissa: Since when does meat smell like old boots?! Wait, I take that back—boots smell better!

Frederick: Every experience makes us stronger, milady. Even those we don't enjoy.

Lissa: Really? Then why don't I see YOU eating, Frederick?

Frederick: Me? Oh, well... I'm not hungry. I...I had a large lunch! Yes, quite.

Lissa: Yeah right, Frederick!


Everyone is sound asleep around the campfire which has been put out, however Chrom is stirring in his sleep & appears to be waking up.

Chrom: ...Huh?

Just then Lissa, who just woke up as well, gets up as well.

Lissa: *Yawn* What's wrong, Big Brother?

Chrom: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, but... Something is amiss...

Lissa: Define "something".

Chrom: I'm not sure... I think I'll have a look around.

Lissa: Not alone, you won't! I'm coming too.

Chrom: Heh. Thanks, Lissa.

The both of them then head deeper into the forest & away from the rest of the group.

Lissa: It sure is dark. ...And quiet. Where did the birds go?

Chrom: Something is wrong here...

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