Sibling Blades

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Davis POV

After Basilion & Flavia left to distract Walhart & Gilgamesh's forces, the rest of us continued on our way through Valm to escape.

Say'ri: Just as I thought: the turncoats only made a show of opposing us. We're clear of them. But Yen'fay's forces approach swiftly. It won't be long now...

Robin: We should hasten south to meet them, & distance ourselves from Walhart. This battle will be challenge enough without the Conqueror breathing down our backs.

Say'ri: ...Another concern: the dynasts who betrayed us. They attacked us & let us go both, because it suited their purpose. Should they attack us from behind as we battle Yen'fay, it would be an easy victory. They would curry favor with the empire without risk of injury. This is how they think.

Robin: Hmm...

Chrom: We cannot defend two fronts. We'll need to choose our battlefield carefully... Say'ri, that mountain—I've seen it smoke for hours but I see no trees on it anywhere?

Say'ri: What...ah. That is no forest fire, sir. It's a volcano. Have you never seen one? That one is called the Demon's Ingle. It is known & feared by all people of Valm. Few dare even get close, lest they anger the wicked fire god.

Chrom: Hmm... Robin? Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Robin: Only if you're wondering how quickly we can reach the volcano.

Say'ri: G-go to the Demon's Ingle?! Do you know what you're saying?

Robin: I'm saying your opportunistic former friends wouldn't dare risk following us...& we can use the flames as barriers, to limit how your brother's army approaches.

Say'ri: Mmm... & my brother will still come. His stubborn pride will force his hand...

Chrom: Then it seems we have our strategy.

Say'ri: ...'Tis a risky plan, but I can devise none better...& you two seem to have a peculiar talent for performing miracles.

Shortly afterward, we were inside the Demon's Ingle & Yen'fay's forces had followed us just as we planned. Once we had formulated our battle plan, I leaped toward the enemy troops with Balmung & began to cut my way through them one after the other. Eventually, I made my way to Yen'fay & channeled the Fell Grimoire's powers.

 Eventually, I made my way to Yen'fay & channeled the Fell Grimoire's powers

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Just then a sword of dark energy appeared in my available hand as I readied myself to face Yen'fay in battle.

Davis: General Yen'fay.

Yen'fay: Aye, that is the name. What would you have of me, Ylissean?

Davis: I would ask why a famed swordmaster would sell his honor to Walhart.

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