Grima Part 1

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Davis POV

After the fight against Aversa & the forces, we were all teleported on top of the dragon Grima's back by Naga, in order to defeat the Grima from the future.


Shirou: Are you ready, Davis?

Davis: As ready as I'll ever be Father. Let's finish this!

Robin: Be careful Davis...

Davis: You got it Mother.

Grima: I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you! FELL DRAGON...

*Grima begins charging up a large breath attack*


*Everyone is hit by the breath attack, causing them all massive damage*

Chrom: Hrrngh! *Huff, huff* ...Wh-what... What manner of magic...

Basilio: Magic? *huff, huff* That was a...damned...catastrophe... He's weakened us all... He's too...strong...rrgh...

Frederick: It cannot end like this... I won't have...all our for naught...

Lucina: No... This darkness... The future is upon us! Oh gods... F-Father...

Grima: ...& so it ends, Robin, Davis. See how frail these human bonds of yours are? How short lived? How pointless? You have all thrown your lives away, and the result is the same!

Davis: We're not dead yet!

Grima: Details, details. *sigh* But yes, I suppose it's time I got you all off my back, so to speak—permanently.

Robin: No...

Grima: No, you don't want this, do you? You do have a choice, you know. It doesn't have to be this way. You can still save all your friends... Become one with me, and we shall spare their lives. ...Refuse, and watch as I rend the flesh from their bones! The offer stands for Davis too of course, he's just as suitable a vessel, if not better.

Robin: ...I...

Shirou: No, Robin! Don' it...

Artoria: He's lying... It's...a trap...

Grima: NOW! I will have your decision! Will you save these worms? Will you JOIN ME and become GODS?

Davis: Do you think we're THAT stupid?! You'll kill them anyway!

Grima: ...Well, of COURSE I would. I only thought you both might want to leave your comrades with a heroic, selfless image. ...But so be it. Leave them with the final memory that you two were their undoing!

Davis & Robin: Aaarrrrgh!


*Davis & Robin are absorbed into a black portal*

Robin: Where are we?

Grima: Where your god wills you both to be. Now if you will excuse me... I have some fleas on my back to take care of.

Davis: No... I won't let you!

Grima: You still DARE resist ME?! Then perhaps I should end you first!

*Grima attacks both Davis & Robin; Davis is knocked unconscious*

Robin POV

Avatar: So dark... A sea of black... I final strategy... No cards left to play... He has...won... Ah... I c-can't see... I can't hear... I feel...nothing... ...... ...Nothing... ......

Davis: ......

???: ——ve to ————ack!

Robin: ...... ...Huh?

???: Yo— ha——— fi— back! ——ghting!

Robin: I...hear something... A voice...

???: Fight ba—! —ave to keep ——ing! Fight back, Robin! You swore to do so, remember? Now keep your damn word!

Robin: S-Shirou? Shirou! Shirou, I can hear you!

Grima: Tch! Fine! If that's how you wanna play this!

Shirou: Come back to us, Robin! Your bond with us is stronger than even the Fell Dragon's might!

Robin: Shirou! I'm coming, Shirou! Hold on!

*Robin breaks free of the void & returns to the others*

Shirou: Robin! *Embraces her*...Where's Davis?

Grima: About that... since Robin here was being so uncooperative, I decided that I would make him my vessel instead. He DOES have a piece of me already, so he's the perfect replacement!

Nicole: Not if I have anything to say about it!

Grima: Oh? *Smugly*...& what would the daughter of the Arrogant King & the Princess of the Divine Dragons "say about it"?

Nicole: This...*Takes out her Exalted Dragonstone* It's only right that a dragon be the death of you!

*Nicole transforms into her manakete form*

Nicole: *Monstrous roar*

Grima: Well then...*Smirks* Let's see what you've got princess!

Nicole: *Draconic voice* YOU ASKED FOR IT!

*Nicole proceeds to fly towards Grima & fire a massive burst of holy energy from her mouth at Grima that causes a massive explosion*

Nicole: *Transforms back; Panting* Take that... you bastard...

There is nothing but silence for a few moments until everyone hears what sounds like someone clapping.

Grima: *Walks out of the blast only partially damaged; Slow Clapping* Bravo little miss priss! I honestly expected worse from you! But... now that you've shown me your's... how 'bout I show you mine...? *Smirks*

Davis POV

I had just regained consciousness after being knocked out by Grima's previous attack & saw that there was some sort of rift in space-time in front of me. I couldn't walk through it to get to the others, but it did allow me to see what was going on.

Grima: --now that you've shown me your's... how 'bout I show you mine...? *Smirks*

I had a really bad feeling about this, so I drew Balmung & began to think of a way for me to get back to the others, but I was horrified at what I saw through the rift next.

Grima: *Places hand on the ground* FELL DRAGON PRECISE IMPALEMENT!

A spike of dark energy then comes out of the ground right near Nicole & pierces through the heart. Then spike then dissipates & she falls to the ground.

Lucina: NICOLE!!! *Runs over to try & help her*

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