Inexorable Death

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Davis POV

After our visit to the Mila Tree we had immediately headed on our way to Fort Steiger. While we were on our way, I was still puzzled as to why Tiki thought that I should have one of the Exalted Dragonstones, but soon enough we had made it.

Flavia: Damn! Look at those walls... This isn't going to be easy.

Basilio: It's not the walls I'm worried about—it's the hordes of Valmese inside them.

Say'ri: Our best bet is a swift, surgical strike, right at their heart. If we can strike down their commander, the fortress will be ours. So—Khan Flavia, your men will take on the forces surrounded the castle. That should create an opening for a smaller team led by Chrom and I. ...I regret to say this will put you at the forefront of the battle, Sir Chrom.

Chrom: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Say'ri: Then it's settled. Other Resistance forces are on the way. With luck, they'll arrive in time to help. Let's cleave them a proud trail of imperial blood to find us by!

As soon as we finished preparations, I wasted no time & charged into the fort right away before my Father or anyone else had the chance to. When inside, I was almost immediately surrounded by several troops, however I simply placed my right hand on the ground while channeling the Fell Grimoire's power.


Just then large spikes of dark energy erupt from the ground, which impale all of the guards who were around me so I could proceed. After that I ran through the fort until I had made it to the commander of the troops.

 After that I ran through the fort until I had made it to the commander of the troops

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Pheros: In the name of the Conqueror, you shall not take this fortress!

Davis: Sorry, but I'm doin' this whether you want it or not.

I gripped Balmung & rushed her immediately, she raised her staff to block my sword & it worked, however the staff split in half as a result. She then proceeded to cast a powerful fire spell from a tome when I outstretched my right arm forward & channeled the Grimoire's power.


A barrier of dark energy then appeared in front of me & blocked the incoming attack, however it broke immediately afterward. But it gave me enough time to get in close & land a fatal blow on her with Balmung while she was distracted.

Pheros: Nngh... Well done... I may not see Walhart unify all mankind...with my own eyes... But I have seen my dreams... & that is enough...

After she died, I reconvened with the other Shepherds as they were finishing off the remaining troops.

Say'ri: Steiger has fallen. ...But I'm afraid our new enemy has the fortress surrounded.

Chrom: "New enemy"... You mean the rest of the former Resistance?

Say'ri: Aye, sir. Words cannot express my shame. My...regret... Finally, I succeed in uniting them...but only against us.

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