To Slay a God

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Shirou POV

After Exalting Chrom's Falchion at Mount Prism, we made our way to Origin Peak in order to put an end to Grima once & for all.

Chrom: Origin Peak...

Naga: The Fell Dragon is indeed here. Remember, Awakener! The power I gave you cannot destroy Grima.

Robin: It can only put him back to sleep...

Davis: Which sucks...

Naga: Correct, Fellbloods.

Robin: So you know of our lineage?

Naga: You both possess power not so different from my own.

Chrom: We must find some way to break this unholy cycle! We can't just keep putting Grima back to sleep every few centuries. Otherwise we merely will his vengeance on our descendants.

Robin: ...I may know a way.

Chrom: Yes, Robin? You have some strategy?

Robin: Grima claimed he & I were the same, yes? If I strike the final blow, he'd be killed by his own hand...

Chrom: Robin! Ingenious! Naga? Will it work?

Naga: ...Perhaps. But there would be consequences. Grima's heart & Robin's are inexorably linked. Dragon & man can no longer be separated. Therefore, slaying Grima would also cause the end of Robin's life.

Robin: ...I realize that. I am ready.

Naga: There is...a chance you could survive, but it is small indeed. You have bound your heart to those of many others in this world. If those bonds prove strong enough, they may yet keep you in this reality. However, not even a thousand human friendships surpass the dragon's grip. In truth, you will almost certainly cease to exist.

Robin: ......

Chrom: Robin would cease to be?! No. We'll find another way.

Robin: Chrom, wait. You're not thinking clearly. Think about what your sister would have wanted.

Chrom: Emmeryn would never have asked you to do this!

Robin: What is one life, when weighed against millions?

Shirou: Stop it! You're one of us. You'll ALWAYS be one of us. There has to be another way. We just have to find it. Promise me, Robin. Promise me you won't do this!

Robin: ...You're right, Chrom. I'm sorry.

Shirou: We swore to stand by each other, remember? We're two halves of a whole... Not even a dragon can sever us!

Chrom: Then we simply need to find another way to end this madness.

Davis: You seem to have forgotten that you DO, have another way.

Lucina: What do you mean Davis?

Davis: What I mean is that...*The Fell Grimoire glows for a moment* The Fell Grimoire is a literal PIECE of Grima. If I landed the finishing blow on him using its magic, he would still be slain by his own hand.

Shirou: Could that work Lady Naga?

Naga: Yes it could, however like with Robin, there would still be consequences.

Davis: I don't care what they are.

Naga: You WOULD be able to destroy his physical body without claiming Robin's life. However, like the other souls of strong enemies that have fallen, Grima's soul would be absorbed into the Fell Grimoire.

Davis: If the price is living with him in my head for the rest of my life, then you already have my answer.

Robin: Are you sure of this Davis?

Davis: If all that's gonna happen is that he'll be with the other souls in the Grimoire then yes.

Naga: The time for deliberation is over. The Grimleal have found us.

Lucina: Father! We're under attack!

*Aversa enters*

Aversa: Really, now—still at your little schemes? Butchering Validar & Kiritsugu wasn't enough? Do you SEE what your great struggle has won you?! ...NOTHING! Master Grima has returned! The world's fate is sealed! Or perhaps you simply seek a tender embrace here at the end? Hmm? I'm not completely cruel, you know. Come, I have a kiss for each of you...

Naga: Be swift, Awakener. Grima's servants will harry you to the very last. You must reach the dragon before it is too late.

We then proceeded to engage the enemy force that consisted of both Risen & Grimleal led by Aversa. I traced my bow & Davis answered in kind with something I hadn't seen before.


A bow made of dark energy then appeared in Davis' hands & the two of us then began to lay down several volleys of arrows while running as fast as we could through the battlefield. We all kept fighting off the enemy force until Davis & I had finally made it to Aversa.

Aversa: Murderers! You'll pay for taking Master Validar from me!

Davis & I then began shooting several more barrages of arrows at Aversa. Unlike at the Dragon's Table, Davis was helping me this time, so there were far too many arrows for her to dodge. Soon enough, the arrows struck down both Aversa & her pegasus, she then crashed into the ground as she said her final words.

Aversa: Ahh...finally... Sweet...death... Finally...the pain... ends...

*Grima's roar is heard*

Lissa: Yikes! What was that?!

Lucina: Grima!

Chrom: We can defeat him!

Frederick: Milord, how does a man challenge a mountain?! Where would one even strike?!

Naga: The Fell Dragon has a weakness on the nape of his neck. But that weakness will be guarded by his servants. I can send you onto the dragon's back, but the rest is in your hands.

Chrom: Then please, milady, & quickly! We would ask no more of you. Everyone, gird yourselves! One way or another this ends here!

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