The Seacomers Part 1

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Shirou POV

It's been 2 years since the end of the war against Plegia & peace has returned to Ylisse. Chrom has become the new Exalt & has married Sumia, while & ended up marrying Artoria, Robin, Olivia, & Cordelia shortly afterwards. We ended up moving back in with Illya officially, & we had the house renovated to accommodate all of us & many more, Illya loves having so many people around the house.

Also, pretty much all of the women ended up marrying too during the peacetime while some of the men remain bachelors. The biggest news would probably that both Chrom & Sumia, as well as myself & Robin are parents now, one thing led to another so Chrom & Sumia have a daughter named Lucina, while Robin & I have a son named Davis. Everything was fine, until we got a message from the palace saying that we would be meeting there to here news from Regena Ferox.

Shirou: I really think that you should stay here Robin.

Robin: Nonsense, I am Chrom's tactician & you are my husband, I go wherever the two of you go.

Shirou: But Davis is a newborn, he needs his mother.

Illya: That's not a problem you two, I can take care of him while you both are gone.

Shirou: Are you sure Illya?

Illya: Positive, just leave it to me!

Shirou: Well... okay. *Turns to Olivia & Cordelia* You two head to the garrison in case we need to mobilize, Artoria, Robin & I will go to meet with Chrom.

Olivia: Sure thing.

Cordelia: Right.

*Scene transition to the Palace Throne Room after we arrived*

Shirou POV

Chrom: Ah, perfect timing you three, we should be expecting the messenger from Ferox any moment now.

As if on cue, a Ylissean soldier then enters the room.

Soldier: Sire, a messenger from Regna Ferox.

Chrom: See them in at once.

Soldier: Yes, milord.

*Soldier exits; Raimi enters*

Raimi: Prince Chrom, I come on behalf of Khan Regnant Flavia.

Chrom: Flavia? Well, this is a surprise. Is something amiss?

Raimi: I fear so, milord. The khan requests your presence at a summit as soon as you're able.

Chrom: What's happened?

Raimi: Our western neighbors of Valm are no longer acting so neighborly. The emperor, who they name the Conqueror, has launched warships against us.

Chrom: An invasion? Are you certain of this?

Raimi: Yes, milord. The khan hopes to meet with you in Ferox, if it please you.

Frederick: What do you make of this, sire?

Chrom: Ill business to be sure. Raimi, we will meet with Flavia at once...

*Sumia enters*

Sumia: Chrom...

Chrom: I'd stay with you if I could, Sumia, but we owe Regna Ferox a great debt. I must appraise myself of the facts there before deciding on a course of action.

Sumia: I'm not asking you to stay here with me. I'm saying I'm coming with you.

Chrom: B-but Lucina is newly born! She needs her mother now.

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