Emmeryn Part 2

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Chrom POV

*Phila & several pegasus knights enter*

Phila: Your grace!

Emmeryn: Phila! I'm so glad to see you're safe! But how--

Phila: Khan Basilio's men freed me. Come, we must hurry!

Gangrel: What? Pegasus knights? How did they... That damned Ylissean tactician does NOT play fair!

Aversa: Heh heh heh... Yes, well. Neither do I.

*Aversa proceeds to summon a surrounding number of Archer Risen*

Robin: ...Risen?! Oh gods, no! Chrom! There are Risen everywhere!

Chrom: Damn! Not now!

Gangrel: Bwa ha ha! Oh, did an army of living corpses just APPEAR out of the blue?! Truly, the heavens smile upon mighty King Gangrel this day! Bwa ha ha ha!

*A Risen engages in battle with Phila, but kills her in one hit*

Phila: Risen... How... Y-your Grace, I... Forgive me... Uhh...

Emmeryn: Phila!

Gangrel: Exeunt one pegasus knight! Bwa ha ha! Watch how they fall, one by one!

*The other Risen then proceed to kill the rest of the pegasus knights that Phila brought with her*

Robin: No no no...

Chrom: We've lost...

Gangrel: I believe this is what they call a reversal of fortunes. Now... grovel before me. Plead! Beg for your worthless lives!

Chrom: I'd give up my life before I beg for it from you.

Gangrel: Oh, now THAT is a good line. A fitting epitaph for your tombstone, perhaps? But it's not just your life in the balance. The exalt still stands upon the block, & I have a dozen bows trained on her. All it would take is one word from me...

Chrom: Emm! Hold on, I'm--

Gangrel: ARCHERS! If this Ylissean pup so much as twitches, let fly your arrows!

Chrom: I... I'll kill you!

Gangrel: Go ahead! I welcome it. Just know you were responsible for Big Sister's bloody demise! ...& what of the rest of you? Eh? Who wants the honor of killing the exalt? ...No one? Bah! Your merry band isn't quite so headstrong anymore, is it? Pathetic!

Chrom: Damn you!

Gangrel: Now, now, my boy—no one needs to die today. Not you. Not the exalt. Not your friends. Just lay down your sword & give me the Fire Emblem.

Chrom: ...I...

Robin: Chrom! You can't trust him!

Chrom: Of COURSE I can't trust him! I'm not an idiot! But if I say no, he'll kill her! The gods are cruel, damn them! My sister or my duty... A problem with no right answer, yet I must choose!

Robin: That's right. Don't give up! There has to be a way...

Chrom: If there is, I can't see it... Ah, gods!

Gangrel: I will count to three! Throw down your weapons, or your exalt becomes the world's largest quiver. One! Two! Thr--

Chrom: Gangrel, hold! ...You win. Everyone, lay down yo--

Emmeryn: No wait!

Gangrel: SILENCE!

Chrom: Emm...

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