Cordelia: C Support

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Shirou: Ow! I used the last of the salve yesterday, but this cut still stings... What to do, what to do...

Cordelia: You're not out of salve. I restocked your medical supplies this morning.

Shirou: You did? Ah, that's great. Thank you, Cordelia. You never miss a detail, do you?

Cordelia: I just like to stay on top of things. By taking stock of everyone's equipment, I know when anything needs replacing.

Shirou: Wait, you keep track of EVERYONE'S equipment?! ...All in your head?

Cordelia: Of course. Imagine the chaos if our potions & equipment ran out at the same time.

Shirou: ...Gods. I can certainly see why everyone calls you a genius.

Cordelia: Do not call me that!

Shirou: Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to offend you.

Cordelia: ...No, of course you didn't. Please forgive me. It's just superiors called me that from the moment I joined the knights. It was so very hard sometimes... Little Lady genius, they called me. They teased & taunted me...

Shirou: Oh...

Cordelia: They mocked me, too... My appearance, & my javelin technique...

Shirou: I had no idea members of the pegasus knights could be so spiteful... Just so you know, when I called you a genius, I meant it only as a compliment.

Cordelia: I know. I'm just overly sensitive, that's all.

Shirou: Well, if you ever need to talk, just let me know.

Cordelia: Well, since you offered... What do you think of this javelin? I'm not sure about the balance, myself.

Shirou: Er, I meant if you ever need to talk about... Never mind.

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