Warrior Realm

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Shirou POV

It was a while since Sumia had left the group to take care of the pegasus & we had finally gotten to the gates of Regena Ferox, so it was snowing all around us.

Lissa: Brrr! F-F-Frebberick! I'm f-f-freebing!

Frederick: Stand beside my horse, milady. She'll shelter you from the wind.

Robin: So this is the fortress?

Chrom: Yes, the Longfort. It stretches along the border of Ylisse & Regna Ferox.

Frederick: The khans that rule Ferox have grown quite weary of foreigners. Still, don't mistake a lack of hospitality for open hostility. This simply calls for a bit of diplomacy.

Chrom: Negotiation isn't my strong suit, but I'll do my best. Remember, everyone: your actions here reflect back upon Ylisse.

*Scene transitions to the front of the fortress*

Frederick: Trouble in the wind, milord: the Feroxi Guard are mobilizing.

Chrom: What?! Why?

Frederick: Who can say? But they look ready to let fly at a moment's notice. We'd best prepare for combat, just to be safe. Perhaps we ought pool our supplies and select which Shepherds to deploy? Loath as I am to trust her, Robin might offer some valuable insight in this...

Chrom: Indeed, she IS our tactician, after all. So, Robin? What do you suggest?

*A few minutes later*

Raimi: Halt! Who goes there?!

Chrom: In the name of House Ylisse, I seek audience with the khans!

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Chrom: In the name of House Ylisse, I seek audience with the khans!

Raimi: Not another step, my bold lad! I've lancers at the ready!

Frederick: Hold, milady! We are not your enemy! Exalt Emmeryn herself sent us to discuss matters of mutual interest.

Raimi: My only interest is keeping you out of Regna Ferox, brigand!

Frederick: B-brigand? Now see here—

Raimi: You think you are the first "Ylisseans" to try & cross our border? I have the authority to fell such imposters where they stand.

Frederick: How dare you! You are in the presence of Prince Chrom, the exalt's own blood!

Raimi: Ha! Yes, indeed—and I'm the queen of Valm! You do realize impersonating royalty is a capital offense, yes? Mmm... Then perhaps we should settle this the Feroxi way. You claim to be the prince of Ylisse? Then prove it on the battlefield!

Chrom: Rgh... Emmeryn won't like this at all... Please, good lady! If you'd just listen—

Raimi: I've heard quite enough! Attack!

Several soldiers above the fortress walls throw their spears at Chrom, who braces himself. Suddenly, he is whisked away to safety by a pegasus.

Chrom: Sumia...?

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