The Seacomers Part 2

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Shirou POV

After the briefing from Virion & Cherche, we made our way to port Ferox, where we saw a pair of men, one on a ship who seemed like the commander, & another on some sort of flying golden vehicle who seemed to be of a much higher status.

After the briefing from Virion & Cherche, we made our way to port Ferox, where we saw a pair of men, one on a ship who seemed like the commander, & another on some sort of flying golden vehicle who seemed to be of a much higher status

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Dalton: Lord Gilgamesh, how do you wish to proceed?

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Dalton: Lord Gilgamesh, how do you wish to proceed?

Gilgamesh: I care not for banter at this time, simply dispose of the mongrels.

*Gilgamesh flies upward using his vehicle so he can watch the whole battlefield; A villager proceeds to board the ship*

Dalton: You dare board our ship, worm? I'll not discuss terms with a peasant; I will issue demands to all! Citizens! Soldiers! Hear my words! The Conqueror himself, Emperor Walhart, claims dominion over these lands! You will grant your new emperor your ships! You will grant him all your provender! You will grant him your loyalty & your every possession! ...& you will surrender this land's greatest treasure, the Fire Emblem! Do this, & your lives will be spared. Resist, & your lives are forfeit! Now, kneel, & swear fealty to the mighty Valmese Empire!

Villager: B-but if you take all that we have, how are we to make our living? Without food & ships, people will starve! Would you have us all die?

Dalton: ...You'll do for now.

Villager: Hrrgh!

*Dalton kills the villager*

Chrom: These savages will never listen to reason. Everyone: prepare to engage!

Frederick: Milord, are you certain? Another war...

Chrom: I've had time to ponder Ylisse's place in the world, Frederick...& my own. We must stand against evil, in all its forms, or there can be no peace!

*Cherche enters*

Cherche: Might I join, sire? This may not be my country, but it is my cause. My dear Minerva here hungers for a bite of the action as well!

After Cherche joined us, I immediately rushed into battle & started to cut down enemies left & right using Kanshou & Bakuya, but as soon as I traced them, I felt a gaze which I assumed belonged to the man called Gilgamesh follow me for the rest of the battle. Regardless, I continued to fight my way through the Valmese troops until I made it to the commander on the boat.

Dalton: You are nothing! A speck of sand on the boot of the great empire!

I then rushed toward him at high speed & started slashing left & right. It took me several tries, but I was able to fell his horse & then land a fatal blow on him.

Dalton: What... H-how... Ahh...

After the commander was defeated, I got off the ship & was about to assist the others in keeping the remaining Valmese soldiers for escaping onto the ship & leaving, various weapons were shot down around the Shepherds from above in order to prevent our movement.

Gilgamesh: That's as far as you mongrels go.

*Gilgamesh stands up & has his vehicle fly downward so we can all see him*

Gilgamesh: As these men are in my charge, those of them still alive shall be returning to Valm now.

Frederick: On whose authority to you believe you have the right to prevent us from taking these men prisoner?!


Chrom: What is it you mean by that?

Gilgamesh: I am Gilgamesh, born of the Divine Dragon Naga & Valm's previous ruler, therefore I am the one true king of this world!

Chrom: If that is so... then why is it you serve the Conqueror?

Gilgamesh: I SERVE NO ONE!! Let me make this clear to you mongrels, he & I are simply of the same mindset that this world needs a single ruler, & we plan to determine which of us it shall be once all the world resides under the same banner.

*Prepares to leave, but first addresses Shirou*

Shirou: Yes?

Gilgamesh: Know this Faker, when I kill you it will be on the largest stage imaginable! ...Vimana!

*Gilgamesh leaves on the vehicle now known as Vimana; Timeskip to after the battle*

Robin: Chrom, is that all of them?

Chrom: Yes, but victory's come with a price...

Basilio: The town is in shambles, as is my army.

Frederick: This is most troubling news. Feroxi soldiers are the finest east of the long sea. If they are having trouble, we are ALL in trouble.

Flavia: That's not the half of it. This was just the vanguard—but a taste of the meal yet to come.

Basilio: And once it arrives, their host will wash over the whole continent in a matter of weeks. There's no way we could repel them & defend our people. It would be a slaughter.

Chrom: Ylisse is no better equipped to handle an attack from the sea... Robin, what do you suggest?

Robin: Hmm... Their greatest strength is their cavalry, which puts us at a disadvantage... on land. But if we were to catch them at SEA...

Chrom: But how?! Ylisse has no warships, nor does Ferox.

Basilio: So we'd need aid from a kingdom that does...

Flavia: You have someplace in mind, oaf?

Basilio: Perhaps a land that borders the sea, with enough wealth to afford this campaign?

Robin: Plegia!

Chrom: No. Absolutely not. Out of the question.

Basilio: They have gold, boy! Countless ships! ...& more importantly, we have a fart's chance in the wind without them.

Flavia: The oaf is right. ...Crude, but right. There's only one path forward.

Robin: Chrom, will you reconsider?

Chrom: ...... ...Very well. Send a messenger & request a summit immediately. Let us pray this new kingis more reasonable than their last.

Robin: Indeed.

Flavia: You know, Robin... For your first time against Valmese forces, that was an impressive victory. You & Chrom have both grown quite adept. You should be proud.

*Short timeskip*

Frederick: Milord, we have word from Plegia. They have agreed to meet with us at their outpost on Carrion Isle. A poor venue should things go sour, as the island's name makes plain. But then I don't see we have much of a choice.

Chrom: Cautious as ever, Frederick the Wary. Don't worry. We'll get our ships. This threat hangs over all of us—Plegia as well. They must see that.

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