Naga's Voice Part 2

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Shirou POV

Lissa: *Huff huff* Ugh... How many stairs are there in a case of stairs? Because I'm already sick of this stupid staircase!

Lucina: The Voice truly lives all the way up here?

Nicole: My Mother did always enjoy her privacy, mostly for sleeping.

Say'ri: Lady Tiki! Are you here? Prithee answer!

Tiki: *Yawn*

Nicole: Good Afternoon Mother.

Say'ri: Ah, my lady... I'm so relieved to see you're all right.

Lucina: So you are Lady Tiki? She who speaks for the divine dragon?

Tiki: ...Marth? Oh, Mar-Mar, is that you?!

Lucina: ...My name is Lucina, milady. Though I did go by the name Marth for a time. Might we have met?

Tiki: ...Alas, no. I'm sorry... You reminded me of someone I knew. But he is gone now. Lost during my endless sleep...

Lucina: ......

Tiki: You & your father are of the exalted bloodline, are you not?

Chrom: Yes, milady.

Tiki: Do you yet possess the Fire Emblem? It should have been passed down through your family...

Chrom: I... Yes, I have it...

Tiki: Ah! What relief to know it has not been lost. ...But where are the Gemstones? I see only Argent.

Chrom: Gemstones?

Tiki: Yes, there are five of them—Argent, Sable, Gules, Azure, & Vert. Each holds a portion of Naga's power. When mounted upon the Emblem, they allow one to perform the Awakening.

Frederick: The rite by which the first exalt channeled the divine dragon's power...

Tiki: The very same. With the Fire Emblem's power, the exalt was able to defeat Grima with the help of the Dragon Slayer Siegfried. But such power was too much for men, & so the Gemstones were scattered. I kept Azure here with me.

Say'ri: My kingdom had safeguarded Vert for generations. But the gem was recently stolen by Walhart's men.

Lucina: Milady, do you know where the other two Gemstones might be?

Tiki: The remaining Gemstones, Sable and Gules, are no longer known to me. They may have been taken long ago, at the time of the Schism.

Basilio: Regna Ferox was founded during the Schism. As were most all nations in the realm, I believe.

Lissa: Wait—does that mean you guys have one of the Gemstones, Basilio?

Flavia: Ha! As if anyone would entrust the oaf with such a thing!

Basilio: Actually, it's true—we did keep one: Gules. ...Did I never inform you?

Flavia: You most certainly did not.

Basilio: Hmm... Must have slipped my mind. Regardless, yes. The West-Khans once safeguarded Gules. But it was lost long before my lifetime.

Tiki: Here. Take Azure, exalted ones. With it, you possess two of the five Gemstones. Now you must seek out the others & perform the Awakening. Our world must be defended from Grima at all costs!

Chrom: But I'm confused... I thought Grima's power was sealed away.

Tiki: Yes, but ever since, there have been those who would change that. Grima's life force grows even now, and with it, the long shadows of despair.

Lucina: ......

Chrom: When will he return? & where?

Tiki: I cannot know these things. But I can feel his presence... It looms, closer and closer... This task is a heavy burden, but as he of exalted blood, it must fall to you, Chrom.

Chrom: I understand. Thank you, for all your help.

*Azure is fitted into the slot to the right of Argent*

Robin: We owe you a great debt, milady.

Tiki: Ah! You... You have it...

Robin: ...What?

Tiki: You have mine.

Robin: I do?

Tiki: I... Ah... Forgive me... I am still groggy from my slumber. My words outpace my thoughts.

Say'ri: Are you all right, my lady?

Tiki: I am fine... Just very tired... I haven't the strength to join you in the fray. Not yet. But I will call the people together, in prayer, for an end to this conflict. However there IS one more thing that I would like to discuss *Turns toward Davis*, with you.

Davis: What about?

Tiki: You are the wielder of the Fell Grimoire, are you not?

Davis: I am.

Tiki: *Turns to Nicole* If I recall, Gil gave you two of them, I believe it would be best if this young man held onto one of them...

Shirou: Two of what?

Nicole: *Reaches into the Gate of Babylon, pulls out one of the Exalted Dragonstones & gives it to Davis* This is an Exalted Dragonstone, my Father gave me two of them.

Davis: *Takes the Exalted Dragonstone* Why would I hold onto this? I'm not even a manakete.

Tiki: Perhaps not, but I feel as though it will come in handy one way or another.

*Short Timeskip*

Say'ri: Factions of the Resistance are already uniting in answer to the Voice's call! Soon bards will sing of this day... "They who conquered the Conqueror!"

Chrom: A tune I'm most anxious to hear.

Robin: But a man like Walhart will not roll over dead at the first sign of trouble...

Say'ri: Aye, my you say. He will muster his forces to put down the Rebellion. Then his gaze will turn to us. Against his full might, we would not last long.

Chrom: Where are his armies garrisoned?

Say'ri: The Valmese Imperial Army is comprised of three main divisions: one controls the north, one the south, & the third the lands between. Emperor Walhart commands the northern forces. Their might easily exceeds our own. The south is led by my brother, Yen'fay. His host is said to rival Walhart's.

Robin: Divisions, are they? Hmm...

Flavia: I see a plan brewing in those eyes of yours, Robin...

Robin: If we could divide their divisions—disrupt communications, supplies, et cetera... Then introduce misinformation to add to the confusion...a whisper here and there... The panic would spread on its own...and all the quicker for their great number. Such a giant force could collapse under its own weight.

Chrom: Say'ri—the third division, stationed between the other two...

Say'ri: Aye, sir, at Fort Steiger, halfway along the highroad. In fact, not so far from where we stand now. We might stand a chance against them... But it would take speed, & luck. I wager Walhart & Yen'fay will hear of our exploits soon, if they haven't already. I suggest sending the bulk of our army to the north & south to mask our plan. An elite force, led by Sir Chrom, might then quietly slip through to Fort Steiger. What say you?

Chrom: I say, "aye."

Flavia: Aye.

Say'ri: Fie! We could all be dead before nightfall, yet not one of you so much as hesitates. Your courage inspiration... Aye, we will win this war yet, by gods!

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