Foreseer Part 2

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Chrom POV

*A woman with droopy rabbit-like ears appears*

Rabbit-Eared Woman: I knew there was wisdom in slipping in with those rogues

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Rabbit-Eared Woman: I knew there was wisdom in slipping in with those rogues. Look at how these man-spawn claw at each other like savages! I will repay my warren's debt & then wash my hands of their race.

Chrom: Another assassin?

Marth: Hold! Panne is not your enemy.

Chrom: You know her?

Siegfried: We know... of her, & we knew she would come here tonight.

Chrom: Quite the prophets, aren't you?

Marth: As you say. And I swear to you, Panne is an ally.

Chrom: ...Good enough for me. All right, Shepherds! For now, we leave this Panne character be.

Frederick: Is that wise, milord?

Chrom: Marth, Siegfried, & Mordred have earned our trust. They enjoy their secrets, I know. ...Like Marth's gender, for one. But they've also saved our lives. Twice in reference to Marth & Siegfried, & that's enough for me.

Marth: Chrom... Thank you.

Chrom: Now, to the matter at hand: driving these scoundrels from our castle!

As we were engaging the enemy, I notice that one of the thief-looking types didn't seem to want to be here, so I approached him once the others were dealt with.

As we were engaging the enemy, I notice that one of the thief-looking types didn't seem to want to be here, so I approached him once the others were dealt with

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Chrom: Drop your weapon, or die where you stand!

Thief: Easy there, blue blood. I'm not here to hurt anyone.

Chrom: ...Yet you run with a band of assassins?

Gaius: Believe it or not, just trying to make a living. Gaius is the name, I'm a thief, see? Bust open doors, crack into chests...that kind of thing. This lot said they wanted to break into some kind of vault. Nobody said anything about murder. I'd just as soon sit this one out.

Chrom: Hmm... Then perhaps you'd be willing to prove your good intentions?

Gaius: Beg pardon?

Chrom: We need all the help we can get to save the exalt's life. You appear capable, & we could use any information you have about our foes.

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