Of Sacred Blood Part 2

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Shirou POV

As soon as we regrouped with the others & prepared to fight, a figure being circled by a flock of crows approaches the group.

Chrom: Wh-what's that? A storm of... crows?! Gods, it's upon us!

???: CAW! CAW! Are you folks lost? Or perhaps a lost CAWs? Heh ha!

Chrom: Who's there?! Show yourself! Gods' breath, I can't see anything through all these damned birds! Shoo! Scat! Away with you!

*The crows disperse, revealing a white-haired man*

White-Haired Man: What's wrong? CAW-strophobic? Nya ha ha! Oh, I slay me!

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White-Haired Man: What's wrong? CAW-strophobic? Nya ha ha! Oh, I slay me!

Chrom: Not if these Risen do it first! This is no time for japes! Hide yourself, boy!

White-Haired Man: You know, I thought you were all right... Turns out you're all FRIGHT! Nya ha ha! I'd wish you good luck killing these monsters, buuuuuut... They're ALREADY DEAD!

Chrom: We are well aware!

White-Haired Man: The ravens wanted me to give you a message. "Caaw... C-caw-caw." Roughly translated, it means... Hmm, now what was the human word for that again? ...Traipse? ...Tripe? Oh, TRAPPED! Right! ...They say you're trapped.

Chrom: We know, damn it! Gods... Where did they all come from?

White-Haired Man: Well, see, when a mommy zombie & a daddy zombie love each other very much... Nya ha ha!

Chrom: Perhaps I should save the Risen the trouble & silence you myself.

Henry: Hey, wait! I want to join your CAWs-- I mean, the name's Henry, I can help you! I know magic! What do you say... Birds of a feather and all that?

Chrom: Those robes... A Plegian dark mage? ...Why would you help us?

Henry: Oh, don't let all the joking around fool ya--I've got kind of a thing for killing. Most funny people do, you know. The two things must be linked somehow. Ever talk to a jester when he's off duty? Those guys are some sick dastards!

After the man named Henry joined us, I charged through the horde of Risen & started cutting them down one by one over & over again. Eventually I, along with Chrom, Robin & Artoria made it to the Risen Chief  & prepared to engage him in battle.

Risen Chief: Grrr...kill...prince...&...faker Bwaaarg!

Chrom & Artoria then proceeded to engage the chief in close combat while Robin & I gave them covering fire. It took a bit of doing, but we eventually landed fatal blows on him, which resulted in its death.

Risen Chief: Kill...priiii...faaa...agh...

Shirou: That's the last of them...

Chrom: Gods, I thought it might nev--

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