?????: S Support

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Shirou POV

It's been a week since the end of the war & Archer's death, & peace has been restored to both Ylisse & Plegia to some degree. Many other things have happened as well, the most important being Emmeryn's funeral, as well as the announcement that Chrom was going to take Sumia as his wife. The wedding is scheduled to be in a few weeks & preparations are already underway. In the meantime, Artoria & I have moved back into our old place with Illya for the time being.

Illya: Are you alright Shirou? You've been staring off into space a lot since you & Artoria got back.

Shirou: Yeah, i just have a lot on my mind lately...

That was the truth, I did have a lot to think about, but not for the reason you think. While I was thinking a lot about Archer, Siegfried, their conversation, & what Siegfried told us afterwards, it was some of the other Shepherds that were on my mind. More specifically, it was Robin, Lissa, Olivia, Cordelia, & even Artoria, for some strange reason the five of them were acting somewhat strange whenever they talked to me or each other, Artoria was good at hiding her true intention, but since we've known each other for years I've been able to pick up on subtle cues that she was anxious about something.

Shirou: Now that I think about it, is Artoria okay? She & a few of the other girls in the Shepherds have been acting strangely since we got back.

*Illya turns away & ponders for a moment, then turns back toward Shirou*

Illya: I'm not sure, but if I had to guess... I'd say it has something to do with you Shirou.

Shirou: What makes you say that?

Illya: Besides the fact that they're all girls & in the Shepherds, the only thing they really have in common is that they all know you.

It was all starting to come together now, if it was something to do with me then that would explain why they've all been acting weird around me... but...

Shirou: They HAVE been acting strangely whenever I'm around..., but they've also been acting really weird around each other too. Are you sure it's not something else?

*Illya facepalms, then rubs the bridge of her nose with her right thumb & index finger with her eyes shut*

Illya: Shirou... you're an amazing fighter & an even better brother... but you're terrible when it comes to women...

Shirou: *Tilts head in confusion* What do you mean?

Illya: *Sighs, then opens eyes* Nevermind... but I overheard Artoria speaking to Robin earlier. It was something about them meeting up with Lissa, Cordelia, & Olivia at around 8 pm in the Palace Courtyard about how they've been acting lately. If you really want to get to the bottom of this, then you should go there yourself & find out you big dummy!

Shirou: ...You're right Illya, if something's wrong than I should do something to help, what time is it?

Illya: 7:45, you should hurry over there if you want to help.

Shirou: Got it, thanks Illya! *Runs out the door to the castle*

Illyasviel POV

Illya: *Smiles* Go get em' you clueless dummy...

*Scene transition to the Palace Courtyard at 7:59*

Shirou POV

I got here a few minutes ago & I'm hiding behind one of the columns that lead to the outer courtyard. I was wondering if Illya got the meeting time wrong, since it was now 8 pm & I could only see Artoria, at least I DID, until...

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