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Shirou POV

As Grima awakens, a pillar of dark energy bursts into the sky from The Dragon's Table. Chrom & Lucina flee; The former saves the latter from a lightning blast; Cut to Grima who was fully awakened & roars.

 Chrom & Lucina flee; The former saves the latter from a lightning blast; Cut to Grima who was fully awakened & roars

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Chrom: All right. Now what?

Lucina: Grima. It's all over...

Frederick: The terrible size of it...gods! For once the legends spoke true. We can't face him, not in a straight battle—he'd kill us all!

Chrom: If only we still had the Fire Emblem, we could ask Naga for her power. Then at least we'd have a chance.

Lissa: But Validar took the Emblem!

Chrom: ...& it was lost inside the Dragon's Table... I know.

Robin: What, you mean THIS Fire Emblem?

*Robin shows everyone the Fire Emblem*

Chrom: The Emblem! But how...

Robin: I stole it from you once, remember? The least I could do was steal it back.

Chrom: Robin, you sly cat. You never cease to amaze! Quickly now! We must complete the Awakening before Grima catches on!

Frederick: It's said the first exalt paid tribute to Naga at a site on Mount Prism.

Chrom: Do you know where, exactly?

Frederick: Yes. There is an altar at the peak of the mountain. If milord would perform the Awakening, it must be done there.

Chrom: A small hope is better than no hope at all. Hurry, everyone!

*Timeskip to Mount Prism*

Lissa: It's beautiful...

Lucina: The divine dragon's power flows through every blade of grass here.

Chrom: Wait... Something doesn't feel right.

Davis: Nngh... We must prepare for battle! Grima has sent servants here. I can smell them. They'll be on us soon!

Lucina: How could Risen infiltrate this sacred place?

Chrom: Their power must be linked to Grima's. We must destroy them!

We then readied are weapons & rushed towards the Risen horde all at once. I traced & Overedged Kanshou & Bakuya while cutting down Risen left & right while Davis summoned his Fell Dragon Sword & began to use it with Balmung to help me. Everyone else did their part too & before we knew it we were in front of the Risen Chief & were ready to end this.

Risen Chief: will...never...

Davis: I'd have to disagree...

Davis & I then began to fight the Risen Chief in close combat & we were winning too, at least until a smaller horde of Risen were approaching from behind the Chief. They were about to be within striking distance of us until I heard a voice.

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