Invisible Ties Part 1

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Shirou POV

After arriving at the Dragon's Table & fighting both Aversa, along with the Deadlords, we finally made it inside to try & end this before Grima could be resurrected.

Robin: ......

Shirou: Are you ready, Robin?

Robin: Shirou, Chrom, first I have a favor to ask...

Chrom: As long as it's not a request to leave you behind.

Robin: It's not...though I did consider it. I can't hurt you if I'm not there in the first place. But...I can't run from Validar forever...& if I'm going to overcome him, my best chance is with you by my side.

Chrom: That's more like it.

Robin: But therein lies the favor... If Validar somehow does gain control over me... Promise me... Promise me you'll cut me down.

Shirou: You can't mean that. You can't ASK that!

Robin: I'll resist him with all that I am. I promise you. But there are other people involved here—, too many people to ignore... You both have a duty to protect them as well.

Chrom: ...You're right. The words burn my tongue, but you're right. But you mustn't let Validar seize control! Whatever it takes. Whatever the cost!

Shirou: You better not make it easy for him.

Robin: I'll try. You know I will.

Davis: It's time.

Shirou: Then let's go, *Turns to Chrom & Robin* you two take Validar, we'll handle Kiritsugu.

Chrom: Alright.

*Scene transition to inside the ritual chamber*

Chrom: Validar!

Validar: Chrom... Come to witness the glorious culmination of your failure? How nice. We have the Fire Emblem, & the Dragon's Table is set for a feast. I will return Grima to this world!

Shirou: You'll DESTROY the world! Lucina, Davis, & Mordred have seen it!

Validar: Then I pray today's spectacle lives up to her nightmares! The Awakening rite is not only for exalts & Naga, you know. With it, I'll arouse Grima! The fell dragon needs only a mortal vessel, which you so kindly brought along...

Robin: ...Oh, gods. He means me.

Validar: You catch on quickly, Robin. That's my girl.

Robin: No! Never! I'll die first!

Validar: You carry my blood—the blood of the fell dragon. His soul slumbers within you...& now the time has come to awaken you both!

Robin: ...Wh-what?! I'M Grima? I'M the Fell Dragon?!

Validar: The Grimleal have worked for generations to create someone like you... A vessel worthy of our master. Simply having Grima's blood in your veins is not enough... My father was not worthy, nor was his father before him. Even I was not able to accept Grima's most sacred gift. But you? You had all the makings. You were perfection!

Robin: N-no...

Validar: If your damnable mother hadn't been seized by weakness & fear... She betrayed us—stole you from your crib, and fled with you in the night! I know naught of your life thereafter; but all that matters is your return. That you are here is PROOF of your purpose! It is why you still draw breath!

Chrom: You've proven nothing but your own madness. Robin... We are going to stop this. This can be stopped. YOU can be stopped!

Validar: You may have killed me in some future past, but I am stronger this time! With the power of the Dragon's Table flowing through me, I am unstoppable.

Shirou: You're not the only one stronger this time! Right, Robin? ...Robin?

Robin: Nngh...

Chrom: Stay with me, Robin! You're not beholden to this fiend! You can fight it! We've all seen how strong you are! We've seen what you're capable of! Don't let him shake your resolve!

Shirou: C-Chrom, I... I don't know.

Validar: Enough! This sorry display ill befits the heir to our master's power...& you, Prince—your sad poem sounds lovely, but it will not alter destiny.

Robin: They're more than just words!

Validar: Be still now, my daughter...

Robin: My life did not begin with you. It began the day Chrom found me in that field & I met Shirou & the others. I have been all over this world, & I have helped change it—for the better. I have fought and laughed & bled with my friends, and THAT is what matters! The ties we forged, the bonds we share—they are of a power greater than Grima.

Validar: A ludicrous idea, as you will know better than anyone soon enough...

Robin: We do agree on one thing: my life so far has all been in preparation for this moment... When I kill you or die trying!

Validar: Heh heh heh. You have your father's courage, but your mother's judgment... Very well, pup. Come! Do your worst! Come at me with all you have! There is no damage I can do your body that the Fell Dragon cannot repair! Kiritsugu! Hold of those other two! I'll deal with my daughter & the Prince myself.

Kiritsugu: Of course...

Davis & I then proceed to engage Kiritsugu in combat while Chrom & Robin fight Validar. The problem was that every time that we tried to hit him, he dodged it & sped past us like it was nothing. This was most likely due to his Time Alter magic that he told Artoria, Illya, & I about when we were kids. This lasted for several more minutes until I heard a static sound & looked over to see that Robin had run Chrom through with a Thoron spell.

Chrom: *To Robin* This is not your—your fault... Promise me you'll escape from this place... Please, go...*Chrom collapses*

Lucina: N-no... Father! No!

Validar: With the five Gemstones in hand, my magic knows no bounds. Robin is powerless to resist me. Do you see now, Daughter? Human bonds are leaves in the wind. They offer you nothing.

Lucina: This can't be happening. We were supposed to change this! Everything I have done is...worthless.

???: The hell it was!

Lucina: Huh? I know that voice...

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