An Ill Presage

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Shirou POV

The day after we had escaped from Castle Plegia, we had come to the Dragon's Table, in order to retrieve the Fire Emblem & prevent Grima's resurrection.

Chrom: All these strange travelers... What's happening here?

Lissa: Let's ask 'em! Um, excuse me, sir? ...Sir?

Villager: ...the appointed...time... the Dragon's...Table... ...our prayers...Grima...

Lissa: Riiiiiight... I'll just be backing away slowly then...

Frederick: Sire!

Chrom: Frederick! Have the scouts returned?

Frederick: Yes, milord, and with grim news. Validar has moved to a great altar to Grima known as the Dragon's Table. What's more, it seems all the Grimleal in Plegia are headed there as well. It's as if they're being drawn by some unseen force...

Chrom: Any idea what it all means?

Frederick: Who can say, sire? They speak only gibberish and plod on as if possessed.

Chrom: The cataclysm in the future... This shows all the signs of leading to it. Damn! This destiny is a stubborn business...

Lucina: We cannot give up.

Shirou: ..& we will not. We make for this Dragon's Table, & quickly! Come, everyone!

*Scene transition to outside the Dragon's Table; Aversa, Kiritsugu, & Validar enter*

Kiritsugu: ...

Aversa: The Ylisseans have finally caught up to us, milord.

Validar: Delay them. But carefully... We must reclaim Robin's power.

Aversa: Ah, yes. Don't worry, I'll take extra care with Daddy's special little girl.

Chrom: Validar!

Validar: Fools! Do you know where you've come?

Chrom: Return the Fire Emblem now, & we can end this!

Validar: Aaah ha ha ha ha! You would...end this?

Chrom: Yes, once & for all.

Validar: My dear boy, we already know how this story ends—you & I both! ...& yet you rush here... Are you so eager to meet the Fell Dragon yourself? Or perhaps your own fatal destiny—you would have that realized first? Ha ha!

Chrom: To hell with your destiny. I'll write a new ending.

Aversa: Oh ho ho, so now you believe you can change fate? ...& here I thought your exalted sister had delusions of grandeur...

Chrom: We've done it already.

Aversa: Your victory over sad little Gangrel? Or perhaps Walhart's defeat? Those were meant to happen. They were preordained. You are just another fool in motley, capering on the stage!

Lissa: But...what about Emmeryn!

Aversa: You changed only the method of her death. Either way, she was planted in the ground...

Frederick: But that was Gangrel's will... Not yours... Not Validar's...

Aversa: You aren't listening. All of this—every word & action—has been orchestrated... Gangrel held the exalt in contempt, yes, so Validar & I used him. In life AND death. The king's demise threw Plegia into chaos. It drove the people to Grima... Now their life force & rancor can be laid before the fell dragon en masse.

Chrom: You couldn't mean...

Aversa: It is called the Table for a reason, you naive little man. It is where Grima feeds! The Grimleal have gladly offered themselves to him for ages. Even now, they pray for his return... Today the Table overflows with bounty, & their prayers will be answered!

Chrom: I will never allow that to happen!

Aversa: But it already HAS happened in our future. This moment was set a millennium ago.

Lucina: How could anyone give their life willingly to that...thing? That monster!

Chrom: We will stop you! We will stop Grima!

Aversa: Goodness! Now you're starting to sound like Walhart, the big bully... He intended to destroy Grima as well, you know. ...Our thanks, incidentally, for taking him off the stage for us.

Chrom: Rrgh... That's why you gave us your ships & treasure but no soldiers... Get rid of Walhart, but keep the faithful Plegians to set your god's Table...

Validar: Aversa, it is time. We must prepare.

Aversa: As you command, Master.

Chrom: Validar! ...VALIDAR!

*Validar & Kiritsugu exit*

Aversa: Master Validar is not to be disturbed. But fear not, I have brought the Deadlords to keep you entertained. These 12 generals were great warriors in life...& even greater, now, in death! I would introduce them one by one, but well, as you'll see, they're not much for talk. Besides, you'll meet them all soon enough!

I then traced Kanshou & Bakuya while charging toward Aversa & the Deadlords. However since I was focused on Aversa, I barely noticed that one of the Deadlords was about to attack me when I heard Davis.


A beam of dark energy fires at the Deadlord from Davis' mouth that lasts for a few seconds. Davis then nods at me, I return the nod & keep running while the others take care of the Deadlords until I reached Aversa.

Aversa: Hee hee. Looking for attention? One at a time, love.

I then traced my bow & began to fire a volley of arrows at Aversa, but she managed to dodge them & fire a large blast of fire magic at me, which I also dodged. This continued until the others had defeated the Deadlords & were closing in on Aversa & I.

Aversa: Ooh... You play rough... But the ritual has already begun. You are too late! Farewell! perhaps we shall meet again? Oh, actually...I suppose not! heh heh!

*Aversa exits*

Chrom: Damn! She escaped! Aversa wouldn't leave Validar before he was ready, even with her wounds. His preparations must be complete...

Lucina: We have to stop him! Our future is upon us!

Chrom: We will, Lucina. I swear to you—we will.

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