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Shirou POV

After a long battle with Archer that lasted for the entire assault, he brought me to "our" world, which he called "Unlimited Blade Works".

Shirou: You're... ME, from the future?

Archer: Correct

Shirou: If you're me... then why would you help Gangrel do this?!

Archer: Would you believe me if I said it was to spite you?


Archer: What it means, is that the path that you, or rather I, originally led to us being tossed aside by the people we trusted the most.

Shirou: Why should I believe you?

Archer: Have I lied to you yet?

Shirou: Doing what you've been doing can't possibly change what happens to us can it?!

Archer: Perhaps not, however my plan is not to kill your friends, my plan is to kill you.

Shirou: Why would you do that?

Archer: I realized that we were never supposed to join the Shepherds or interfere in their conflict, therefore I am only trying to restore the timeline.

*Unlimited Blade Works begins to fade away & there's another flash of light; When it ends, we were back where we started*

Archer: Our next battle will be our last, if you still deny my mission then you must simply kill me.

*Archer leaves; Artoria enters*

Artoria: SHIROU!

*She runs up to you*

Shirou: Don't worry it's not fatal, let's talk & walk.

*As Artoria is helping you back to the group, you both explained what happened to both you & the main group; Timeskip to when you were mostly healed & are running through the Midmire with the rest of the allied force*

Basilio: Hurry! There should be carriages waiting just through the ravine!

Chrom: ......

Robin: Chrom, please!

Chrom: Rrgh... I'm... I'm coming.

Basilio: Quickly! We're almost... Huh? Damn! * A pair of barbarians intercept the group* Plegians! I knew it couldn't be that easy... They're right in our way! We must fight!

The commander of the enemy force then appears, in order to speak with us.

The commander of the enemy force then appears, in order to speak with us

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Mustafa: Ylisseans! I offer you mercy! Surrender to me now & live!

Basilio: Surrender? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the word.

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