Of Sacred Blood Part 1

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Shirou POV

After receiving word from Plegia about a possible meeting, we headed there nearly immediately afterward in order to get answers from Plegia's new king.

*Chrom, Robin, Frederick, Artoria & I were walking down a castle-like hallway; Aversa meets them partway*

Aversa: Greetings, Prince Chrom. Plegia welcomes you.

Chrom: Aversa!

Aversa: What can I say? It seems fate has designs for me yet.

Chrom: You serve the new king, then? This... Validar?

Aversa: I do.

Frederick: They say he worships Grima...

Aversa: Why yes, of course he is Grimleal. We are both believers. My liege often says it was his faith that got him through, after Gangrel's passing. It was a difficult time... But he kept order where there might have been chaos. We had meant to arrange an official visit to Ylisstol, but-- Ah, here is my lord now.

*Validar approaches*

Validar: An honor to finally meet you, sire. I am Validar, king regnant of Plegia.

Chrom: The honor is mine, good king. ...Is it possible we've met before some... Gods! It can't be.

Validar: Oh ho, I'm quite certain I would remember any encounter with Ylissean royalty.

Chrom: *Whispering* (Psst! Robin! Shirou!)

Robin: *Whispering* (I know! He looks just like the assassin that came after Emmeryn...)

Validar: And you must be Lady Robin & Sir Shirou.

Shirou: You know of us, sire?

Validar: The whole world knows of Ylisse's master tactician & Co-leader of the Shepherds! ...& indeed, I see the sparkles of wisdom & courage in your eyes.

Shirou: (But I killed him, Robin!)

Robin: (I know but... The resemblance... it's uncanny...)

Chrom: (How could he possibly--)

Validar: My, the negotiations haven't even begun & already so much whispering...

Chrom: ...My apologies, King Validar. We meant no disrespect.

Shirou: (Chrom? What should we do?)

Chrom: (Nothing for now. But stay close, and be ready for anything...)

Validar: Then let us get to it.

Aversa: Plegia can offer no soldiers, but will provide 800 warships and 200 transports. In addition, we would be pleased to fully fund the campaign against Valm.

Frederick: That is... surprisingly generous of you, milord. We could not ask for more, quite literally. You offer most all your assets...

Validar: I would give troops as well, but our army remains in shambles from the last war. I trust the gold & ships will suffice as a sign of our commitment to the cause?

Chrom: Of course it will. Thank you, King Validar

Validar: The honor is ours, my prince. I look forward to building a strong bond between our two nations.

Chrom: As do I. Then, if there's nothing else? My men & I must hurry back to Port Ferox.

Aversa: Oh, so soon? But I have two more introductions to make.

Chrom: ...Yes? And who would that be?

Validar: A hierophant, the highest of her order in Plegia, as well as the leader of our covert ops squad.

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