Smoldering Resistance

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Shirou POV

After the battle at sea, we had all made it to Valm after another hour or so of sailing.

Chrom: At last, Valm Harbor. Hmm... It appears well fortified... Prepare the troops. We'll— Huh? What's that?

Frederick: An altercation? That woman—the Valmese dogs are running her down.

Chrom: Any enemy of theirs is a friend of ours. Come on!

*A black-haired woman is being chased into a corner by Valmese soldiers*

*A black-haired woman is being chased into a corner by Valmese soldiers*

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Black-Haired Woman: *Huff, huff* Who is that? ...The Ylissean League! So they have finally landed!

Valmese: Over 'ere! We have 'er cornered!

Black-Haired Woman: Confound these wretched imperials!

Valmese: Don't let 'er get away!

After that, we all lept into battle nearly instantaneously. I had traced Kanshou & Bakuya while charging through the enemy troops, taking them down one by one until I had made it to the leader of the group.

 I had traced Kanshou & Bakuya while charging through the enemy troops, taking them down one by one until I had made it to the leader of the group

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Farber: Long live the emperor! Death to all who oppose him!

More like death to all who ally with him, but regardless, I fought him to the best of my ability for a good while, until Davis showed up out of nowhere & pierced him through his armor & his heart with Balmung.

Farber: I may fall...but we are legion... You cannot stop...the Conqueror...

After he was defeated, the remainder of his men didn't really stand much of a chance against us, so we won somewhat quickly afterwards.

*The Black-Haired Woman approaches us*

Say'ri: Mercy, friends! The tales of your strength were no exaggeration... I am called Say'ri, and I fight with the Resistance.

Chrom: So there is an organized resistance?

Say'ri: Aye, of sorts. Several groups formed to seek liberty for the states of Valm.

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