The Exalt & the King Part 1

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Shirou POV

After the battle at the arena, I checked up on Olivia again & then we headed back to Ylisstol. Once we got back, Chrom said that he & Lissa needed to go to the throne room & tell Exalt Emmeryn about what had happened.

Chrom POV

Emmeryn: ...Then Regna Ferox will support Ylisse? Thank you, Chrom. I knew sending you was the right choice.

Chrom: You should see Ferox's warriors! Perhaps now our people will be safe from--

*Phila enters hurriedly towards them*

Phila: Your Grace! M-milord! Forgive me, but I bring alarming news!

Emmeryn: Philia! Slow down, please! What's happened?

Phila: Plegian soldiers have been sighted inside our southwest border! They attacked a village in Themis and abducted the Duke's daughter.

Lissa: B-but that would be...Maribelle! Chrom, we have to do something!

Phila: There's more: King Gangrel of Plegia claims Lady Maribelle invaded HIS country. He demands we repay reparations for this "insult."

Chrom: And we're to believe a dastard like the Mad King of Plegia?

Emmeryn: Peace, Chrom. We must keep our wits about us.

Chrom: We should put a sword in his gut and be done with it! The Mad King has been trying to provoke war with Ylisse at every step! He won't stop until he drags this whole continent to hell with him!

Phila: I agree with the prince, Your Grace. We must demonstrate to Plegia that such actions have consequences.

Emmeryn: I understand your feelings, Chrom. Truly I do. But if we give him the war he wants, then we lose, no matter what the outcome. Our last conflict nearly ruined the halidom. It left Ylisseans homeless & starving. We cannot repeat that mistake. I will offer parley with King Gangrel.

Lissa: Emm, no! You can't!

Phila: Please reconsider, Your Grace. He cannot be trusted to act in good faith!

Emmeryn: So we either choose to march to war or leave Lady Maribelle to die? No. I will not accept that.

Phila: ...Forgive me, Your Grace. I spoke out of turn. I know you will stand always by your own principles. Pray, allow the pegasus knights to accompany you, though.

Chrom: I'm going, too. ...Someone has to save you from your good intentions.

Lissa: And I want to be there for you & Maribelle!

Emmeryn: As you wish. Thank you all. Your strength will be mine.

*Scene changes to Chrom, Robin, Lissa, Shirou, & Artoria walking through the halls until they stop & face each other*

Shirou POV

Chrom: Well then! Is everyone ready to go? It's a long march through the western mountains to the Plegian border.

*A young auburn-haired boy arrives*

*A young auburn-haired boy arrives*

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