Emmeryn Part 1

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Shirou POV

After that whole business with the Grimleal, we set up camp for the night & plan our rescue attempt for the next morning.

*Spy enters*

Spy: The exalt is the be executed at the castle on the morrow. I heard it from the king's own lips, sire.

Basilio: This is it, then.

Chrom: Exactly as you predicted, Robin.

Robin: So far, yes. But tomorrow will be the true test...

Flavia: Chin up, there! Show some confidence! It's your thinking that's got us this far. The plan is risky, but only as much is called for.

Chrom: We'll find a way to see it through, Robin. Don't worry. This time tomorrow, we'll be swapping stories with Emm on the road home.

Robin: I hope you're right.

*Timeskip to the next morning; Scene transition to Plegia Castle Courtyard*

Gangrel: Good people! Warriors of Plegia! Welcome! Welcome, one & all! Your anticipation electrifies the air! We ALL remember the crimes of Ylisse... Would you have their witch-queen answer for them? Here? Today? NOW? YEEEEEEEEEEEES! Finally, we will have JUSTICE! *Gangrel looks at a barbarian behind Emmeryn* EXECUTIONER! If you would be so kind...

Shirou: Flavia!

Flavia: I've got him!

*The executioner slowly raises his axe to slash Emmeryn until Flavia throws an axe at him causing him to fall before he can kill her*


Chrom: Take out all the soldiers first! We'll deal with the Mad King later!

Gangrel: Oh will you now? Bwa ha! We've been expecting you, Little Prince. Men: Kill him. Kill his sister. Kill his troops & his friends & anyone else you find! KILL THEM AAAAAAAAALL!

*Gangrel retreats with Aversa, while Archer stayed behind*

As soon as I saw Archer, I knew that I needed answers & that he wouldn't give me them freely, so I traced Kanshou & Bakuya while rushing into battle with him.

Chrom POV

I saw Shirou rush after Archer & I wanted to help, but I knew that the plan came first, so I continued to lead the charge with the rest of the Shepherds. As we were fighting our way through the Plegian forces, a Ylissean War Monk came out of nowhere & started assisting us while also coming to speak to me.

 As we were fighting our way through the Plegian forces, a Ylissean War Monk came out of nowhere & started assisting us while also coming to speak to me

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Chrom: You there! Who are you? Why do you fight alone?

War Monk: Good heavens! You're Prince Chrom, brother to Her Grace the Exalt!

Chrom: You know me?

Libra: Know you? Of course, sire! All Ylissean clergy do. I am Libra, & I must thank the gods for uniting us! Oh, dearest & most heavenly fa-

Chrom: With all respect, now is not the time for prayer—it's action that's called for.

Libra: Ah, too true! We hurried here to help as soon as word came of the execution.

Chrom: We? Then there are more of you?

Libra: Alas, there were. I lost many brave comrades along the way. In truth, I was starting to doubt the purpose of my struggle... But no longer! Pray, sire, let my axe serve you & your party!

Chrom: Your love for my sister is clear. I would be honored to be joined by such a formidable woman of the cloth.

Libra: ...Man, sire. Man of the cloth.

Chrom: You're a... ...You're not a woman?

Libra: No sire, Women are clerics. I am a priest. Well, technically a war monk, if you care to split hairs...

Chrom: Oh. Yes, well, I'm... I didn't mean to imply... Well, this is rather awkward.

Libra: Oh, it's all right, sire. You realized your mistake quickly enough. It could have been much more awkward. ...... MUCH more...

Chrom: Right! Let's stop there.

After that... awkward, conversation, Libra assisted the other Shepherds with dealing with the Plegian forces, which helped quite a bit. Out of the corner of my eye every chance I got, I could see Shirou clashing blades or firing arrows with or at Archer, but he somehow seemed to keep the advantage every step of the way. After we had gotten much closer to the enemy commander, I spotted a Plegian dark mage who didn't really seem like she wanted to be fighting, so I decided to go over & talk to her.

 After we had gotten much closer to the enemy commander, I spotted a Plegian dark mage who didn't really seem like she wanted to be fighting, so I decided to go over & talk to her

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Chrom: You there! Are you with the Plegians? You seem reluctant to fight.

Dark Mage: Death comes to all of us eventually. Why invite it early, fighting for a cause I don't believe in?

Chrom: So... I should take that as a no, or...

Dark Mage: Let's just say I'm keeping my options open. I mean, long live the king & all, but I'd like to keep living as well. & I have a bit of a rebellious streak, I'm afraid. A...dark side.

Chrom: Then perhaps you would rebel now & fight for our cause?

Dark Mage: ...You would trust me? What if this all just a ploy to plunge a dagger in your back?

Chrom: My sister, the exalt—I think she would trust you. And I'm trying to learn from her. Besides, I already need to watch my back, whether you're with us or not.

Tharja: Well, that's odd... Usually when I bring up the backstabbing bit the discussion is over. All right, then—consider me your new ally. ...For now, you may call me Tharja by the way.

After Tharja joined our side, we only had to fight for a little while longer before I was face to face with the enemy commander.

After Tharja joined our side, we only had to fight for a little while longer before I was face to face with the enemy commander

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Campari: You'll never save your precious exalt, scum!

I then engaged him in solo combat while Robin & Tharja, among others, kept the remaining soldiers away long enough for me to use my Rapier to pierce through his armor so I could land a fatal blow with Falchion.

Campari: Urgh... Killing me will only... feed Plegia's rage...

Chrom: Robin! Their wyvern riders have fallen! The skies are clear! I'm giving the signal!

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