The Grimleal

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Shirou POV

After the battle at Breakneck Pass, we continued on our way until we made it to Regena Ferox; We were now in the Khans' Palace.

Lissa: B-but she's safe inside the castle, right? Phila & the others will protect her! & Khan Flavia is assembling her best troops as we speak. We'll make it back home in time. I know we will!

Chrom: ......

Lissa: Chrom? Say something! Say, "Yes, of course we will!"

Chrom: ...I'm sorry, Lissa. What?

Lissa: Ugh, fine! Never mind! Let me know when you get out of your own head for a second!

Chrom: ......

*Sumia approaches Chrom*

Sumia: Snap out of it, Captain!

*She punches Chrom; Flavia enters*

Chrom: OW! ...What the hell was that for?!

Sumia: Oh no! ...Did I do it wrong? Captain Phila said sometimes a good slap will break someone out of their doldrums.

Lissa: Sumia, when you slap someone, you do it with an open palm. You just punched Chrom in the face!

Sumia: Um... It's the thought that counts?

Chrom: Gods, that seriously hurt...

Flavia: Ha ha! What's wrong, my dear prince? Sometimes love hurts! You're lucky to have strong women like these, & not just dainty flowers about. In any case, I bring good news. The Feroxi army has finally mobilized. Every last man is itching to fight. I must say, I'm looking forward to savoring a skirmish or two myself.

Chrom: ...Wait. You're coming along?

Flavia: Of course! A khan must have her fun. I'm even bringing my insignificant other.

Robin: Your who?

Shirou: Basilio, right?

Flavia: Yup. The oaf isn't good for much, but he might stop a few stray arrows.

*Basilio runs in panicked*

Basilio: Chrom! Good gods, I've been looking for you everywhere!

Chrom: Is something wrong?

Basilio: Our scouts have reported back. Dark news, I'm afraid... Ylisstol...has fallen.

Chrom: What?!

Basilio: The Plegians captured your exalt & retreated back across their lines. Gangrel has declared she's to be publicly executed within the moon.

Chrom: E-executed?!

Lissa: Ooooh...

*Lissa faints into Shirou's arms*

Shirou: Lissa? Lissa!

Flavia: The dastard's not even trying to be subtle anymore.

Artoria: I agree. It's an obvious trap.

Basilio: The Mad King knew our scouts would relay this information back. It's clearly a provocation—a hot brand to the buttocks! We should consider our options carefully before jumping to any—

Chrom: Shepherds! We march to Plegia!

Basilio: *Ahem* Well, that would be ONE option, yes... But perhaps we've seen enough royalty waltzing into traps for one war already, eh?

Chrom: I don't care if it's a trap, Basilio. He's going to murder my sister!

Flavia: Peace, Chrom. Breathe a moment. No one's suggesting we don't act. We're simply saying we should act WISELY. We'll need guts AND wits in equal measure if we're to save your sister.

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