Scion of Legend

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Davis POV

Lissa: Say, Davis? I'm still around in your future, right?

Davis: Well... You're warm & kind, for starters. Even amid the darkness & desolation. Your smile serves as a beacon of hope for all those around you.

Lissa: Oh geez! I'd better get cracking if I want to live up to that. Oh! I know! Do I have any children?

Davis: You have a son, my half-brother Owain.

Lissa: Aw cute! What's he like?

Davis: He's... Well, he's quite colorful.

Lissa: Hmm... I'm not sure I want to know what that means. Oh wait! One more thing! Does he have...

Davis: Yes?

Lissa: No... Never mind.

Davis: Are you sure?

Lissa: Sorry, I just remembered I promised to help Chrom with something. ...Bye!

*Lissa exits*

Davis: Lissa?

*Scene transitions to a Maiden, a Ruffian, & the ruffian's boss; Shirou & Chrom are stealthily approaching*

Shirou POV

Ruffian: This is it boss! That treasure's here; I'm sure of it!

Ruffian: This is it boss! That treasure's here; I'm sure of it!

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Gecko: All right, woman. Speak! Where'd you put it?

Maiden: I've never heard of no treasure here! Honest I haven't!

Gecko: Oh? Then I guess we're done here. She's useless, boys. Kill her.

Ruffian: Aye, boss!

*An unknown swordsman enters*

*An unknown swordsman enters*

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???: Halt, fiends!

Ruffian: The devil are you?!

???: One chosen by forces beyond mortal comprehension! See how my sword hand twitches! It hungers... for justice! Leave now if you value life & limb, for I cannot stay the hungry hand!

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