Robin: C Support

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Shirou: Finished training for today, Robin?

Robin: With combat practice, yes. But I thought I might review a few battle histories...

Shirou: You should relax a bit. Put your feet up. Experienced soldiers rest when they can. On a campaign like this, you never know when the next battle might break out.

Robin: Heh, so I've noticed. With all that's happened recently, we've barely had time to even eat.

Shirou: It's been a tough road, to be sure, & it's only going to get harder.

Robin: I do try & rest when I can, though. A lady needs her beauty sleep, after all.

Shirou: Er...

Robin: ...What? Did I say something?

Shirou: Er, no... No, it's nothing. It's just that... Well, I just didn't consider you the type to care after beauty & such... I suppose I've never really thought of you as a lady.

Robin: Excuse me?!

Shirou: No! I mean—I didn't mean—not like that! That is to say, a "lady," per se... Er... You know, how you fight & strategize, &... Not to say a lady can't fight, but... Gods, this is coming out all wrong.

Robin: My goodness, Shirou. Considering how Artoria is so respectful, I would have thought she taught you manners in the time that you've known her.

Shirou: Oh, gods, yes. Of course she did. We spent a whole term on polite conversation.

Robin: Perhaps you could use another term, this time on how to talk with a lady.

Shirou: It's just my image of a lady is someone so prim & proper... perfumed, & pretty... Nothing like you at all! When I look at you, I just don't see a "lady." Does that— ...Er, Robin? What... What are you doing with that rock?

Robin: I'm thinking a sharp blow to the head might help fix your eyesight.

Shirou: N-no, wait! It was just a joke! Ha ha... ha? ...Gotta go!

Robin: I don't believe it. The little craven actually ran away! What kind of manners... Sheesh... Oh, well. Perhaps it's only fair. It's not like I think of him as a gentleman either.

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