Two Falchions

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Shirou POV

After the battle against Raimi & the other Feroxi troops guarding the city gates, we were let inside the city & were on our way to see one of Regena Ferox's Khans, however there was something, or rather, someone that I wanted to check up on first.

Shirou: You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up with you in a little bit.

Chrom: Hm? Is there something wrong?

Shirou: No, there's just something that I wanted to check up on first, I'll see you guys in a bit!

Artoria POV

As Shirou was leaving, I already knew what he was doing, & I would have gone with him if I didn't think that at least one of us should stay with the group.

Chrom: Do you know something about this Artoria?

Artoria: Yes, he's simply checking up on an old friend. We should continue now, Shirou would not want us to waste time when he told us to go on without him for now.

Chrom: Very well, *turns to Raimi* let's keep going.

Raimi: Of coarse Prince Chrom.

Shirou POV

I was making my way through a few of Regena Ferox's alleyways until I came across a girl with long pink hair in a dancer's outfit who was facing away from me.

I was making my way through a few of Regena Ferox's alleyways until I came across a girl with long pink hair in a dancer's outfit who was facing away from me

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So I quietly sneak up behind her & pat her on the head.


Shirou: Olivia! Calm down! It's me, Shirou.

Olivia: *Panting* D-d-don't d-do that Shirou! You scared me half to death!

Shirou: Sorry about that, I just kind of thought it would be funny, sorry if I spooked you! *Smiles*

Olivia: *Blushing* O-okay I'll forgive you, but what are you doing back in Regena Ferox so soon? I wasn't expecting you for another month & a half.

Shirou: You see, the thing is...

I then took a little bit to explain that Artoria & I had joined Ylisse's Shepherds, along with everything else that's happened recently.

Olivia: I see... You may have trouble getting the aid Prince Chrom needs, you may remember that Khan Basilio is Regena Ferox's leader currently, & you know how he can be sometimes.

I then remember all those times before where Artoria & I met with both Khans Flavia & Basilio, along with how their views on foreign aid tend to differ sometimes.

Shirou: Well then... the Khan Games are today aren't they? I guess I just need to help Khan Flavia win then, don't I?

Olivia: Just be careful Shirou, you know how Khan Basilio likes to pick champions that don't usually pull their punches.

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