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Jimin was sitting with his friends... okay, they're more like his brothers to him.

Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are everything to each other and Jimin know if he's caught in any trouble they would back him up

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Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are everything to each other and Jimin know if he's caught in any trouble they would back him up. And he, them.

They were discussing where to eat when Jungkook gave an exasperated sigh.

"Seriously, not again." He pout.

Jimin was confused to his younger brother's reaction but then he felt a presence behind him.

"Hey boys!"

Even without turning, he knew who it was especially from his brothers' reactions.

They looked irritated, he can hear Taehyung sighing loudly at his side. Hoseok's smile slowly fading, Namjoon had the 'what-do-you-want' expression written all over his face and Jin had the most awkward smile plastered on him.

"Hi Seulgi." Jimin said without turning.

He heard some giggling and felt someone touching his shoulder, from the corner of his eyes he notice Jungkook's frown.

"What are you guys doing? Me and the girls are going out to eat, want to join?"

"No." Yoongi at his other side replied monotonously. He didn't even bother to look up from his phone.

Jimin could feel the tension in the air behind him.

"Oh okay, maybe next time" Seulgi's surprised tone was very noticeable, it was hilarious. She probably was not used to guys brushing her off.

"Well then..." Her voiced started trailing of.

Yes, finally... Jimin couldn't wait for her to go away.

"Oh Jimin-ah."

Oh man! What now? He sighed.

"Don't you want to ask Aera out?" she asked, her voice louder this time.

Aera who was walking pass them trying to be unnoticeable, slowed her steps. She would have taken a different route to her class if she could but sadly that was the only route and she couldn't afford to be late.

She was curious to what he would say even though she knows that most of the time Jimin would ignore Seulgi's question.

Jimin shrugged her hand away from his shoulder.

This is seriously getting on my nerves. When is she leaving? He frowned. Seulgi stood behind him, patiently waiting for a reply. More like persistently.

"No, she's not my type. I prefer cute girls." he said, wishing so badly that she would just go and leave them alone.

"Hey! Kang Aera... You heard that?" she shouted.

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