제 04 장

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Jimin and Taehyung walked to their class, deciding to reach earlier to do some revisions and maybe watch some webtoons together.

They passed by a group of girls. From the corner of his eyes, he saw one of them elbowing another and nodded at their direction, smiling.

The other girl then smiled and wiggled her fingers in hello at them. The boys nodded at Seulgi.

"She's everywhere." Taehyung said once they were out of ear shot.

Jimin nodded in agreement.

"I already told you this but I really don't like her, I especially don't like how she's treating Aera." Taehyung uttered.

"Neither do I. But I don't like that Aera is not doing anything either, there might be something wrong with that girl." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, remembering how Aera would just let Seulgi bully her and do nothing about it.

It was seriously frustrating!

"I don't see anything wrong with her. Aera is actually kind of cute and a nice person," Taehyung argued while pushing open their class door.

"You're just not giving yourself a chance to get to know her better." Taehyung said.

"Are you telling me to go on a date with her?" Jimin raised his eyebrows at his friend.

"No. I mean get to know her as a friend... unless you want to go on a date with her. Do you?" Taehyung teased, hitting Jimin's shoulder playfully. Annoying him more.

Jimin turned to stare at his best friend.

He raised his hand to hit Taehyung at the back of his head.

A loud thud interrupted them.

Aera stood awkwardly, her intention was to excuse herself quietly. She didn't want to listen to something which she wasn't suppose to be listening to in the first place but due to her clumsiness the chair fell.

Shit! She thought to herself.

It was funny yet scary how the boys were so in sync. Turning at the same time, with the same shocked expression and then at the same time pushing their glasses up then tilting their head.

Seriously, why does she always pop out at the wrong timing? Jimin mumbled to himself.

Jimin composed himself, not wanting to show his agitation.

"미안해 [I'm sorry]," she bowed slightly and bending down to collect the chair.

Jimin could see how awkward Aera was. It was actually quite funny.

Clad in a loose denim button down, sleeves rolled up to slightly below her elbows. Top that was French tucked into a black cut out jeans.

Her outfit was simple and conceals her body shape.

"Hi Aera." Taehyung said beside him. "Sorry we didn't notice you back there." Jimin could hear Taehyung's amused tone.

"Oh! Umm... Hi!" Aera replied hurriedly, biting her lower lip slightly as her eyes darted around the room.

It was obvious that she was nervous. He bet she would run out of the room if she could.

Jimin nodded a greeting to her.

Aera's cheeks turned red. Actually, more like her whole face was turning red. With lightning speed, Aera sat down and buried her face in her arms in embarrassment.

Cute though. He noted.

A small smile was tugging at Jimin's lips without him realising while Taehyung chuckled softly.

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