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She ran her hands down his arm, feeling the taut muscles beneath his clothes.

Her eyes slowly trailed up to his face, smiling. Luring.

But his face showed no interest, in fact he look annoyed, he peeled her hands off him for the umpteenth time.

"So you're saying I need to refer to you?" He asked trying not to get repulsed by the way she was fluttering her eyes.

She nodded as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"Is there no one else?" He grunted, running his hand through his hair.

Anyone else would be better... even that weird smelly guy who always sticks his fingers in his nose. Two fingers at a time sometimes... how does he breathe?

"It's not as if I asked for this either!" She defended. Actually she lied but he doesn't need to know that.

"I'm not that desperate, Jimin." She crossed her arms.

"Fine. Whatever. So what do I need to do now?" He deadpanned.

She grinned.

Aera's eyes narrowed at the duo. Her lips forming a thin line in her disapproval.

"Who's that?" Sunny asked as she followed Aera's and Soomi's line of sight.

"Seulgi." Both girls answered simultaneously, eyes still trained on them.

Sunny nodded in understanding but she doesn't. She don't know who this Seulgi girl is, why is she speaking to her cousin and why Aera and Soomi are standing behind a tree suspiciously.

She didn't go to the same college as them.

She was just there to meet them and the boys.

"Jimin looks serious." Soomi whispered.

They were on their stealth mode, making sure that the duo won't notice them peeping.

Aera nodded. So many questions running through her head and the jealousy in her was starting to brew.

"What do you think they're talking about?" The voice beside her ear whispered.

"I don't know. It's probably noth-" she stopped. All the girls slowly turned their head towards the voice.

There was a floating blonde head on top of Aera's shoulder. The girls' eyes widen.

The head winked.

The girls screamed

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The girls screamed. Aera was about to shove the head away from her when the head moved back. Standing extremely tall.

He laughed.

He laughed

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