제 27 장

41 1 0

Please note this chapter contains smut

Aera stood in the doorway, freezing. Looking down at herself she groaned, she was soaked to the skin.

They were on the way to Jimin's apartment to get something... It was something important Jimin said. They were one block away from the building when it suddenly poured.

And so now she's here, in the entryway waiting for Jimin to hand her something dry to wear.

Jimin came out of his room bringing a towel, white t-shirt and grey sweatpants for Aera. His steps slowed as his eyes laid on her.

Aera's clothes were practically plastered on her leaving no imagination whats so ever to what was underneath.

His eyes darken as his eyes trailed down her body. Jimin bit his lips.

"Sorry I took some time." He said, his voice husky.

Upon hearing Jimin, Aera look up. She has been peeling the material off her skin but every movement just made it back to square one.

Aera froze at the sight of the boy.

Her breath hitched.

Park Jimin was slowly swaggering towards her in his wet pants that clung onto his muscled thighs and shirtless.

Yes, shirtless. Her mind went blank, all she could focus on was those damn muscles.

She bit her bottom lip as her eyes trailed down from his biceps to those chest down to them abs.

Oh God!

Suddenly feeling hot, she fan herself.

"Stop that." Jimin grunted as if he's in pain when he stood in front of her.

Aera finally looked up at his face, her face daze as she continued nibbling on her bottom lips.

"I really suggest you stop biting your lip in that manner, Kang Aera." He was practically growling, his eyes hooded as he look down at her.

"Change." He commanded and shove the pile of clothes into her arms.

Jimin turned sharply and with long quick strides he went back into his room, banging his door shut and locking it.

"Damn, woman! Don't you know what you're doing to me?" He groaned, leaning his back against the door.

Jimin took his time to change, he was contemplating if he should just lock himself in the room while waiting for the rest of the boys to reach home.

Don't be silly. He scolded himself.

But just in case... he quickly texted his brothers.

Jimin: Guys! Where are you and when will you reach?!?!

Hobi Hyung: Our clingy boy, do you miss us already?

Joonie Hyung: Boy just can't be left alone for a minute. Haha!

Jimin: Shut it. Just where are you?

Yoongi Hyung: Stuffing our faces cause we are hungry.

Jinni Hyung: We are going to be late, don't miss us too much.

Jimin: 빨리 나와 [COME HERE QUICKLY]!!!

Taetae: What's the rush?

Jungkookie: You should have taken the rides more than once, hyung. You wouldn't be lonely now if you did.

Jimin: 그냥 빨리 [JUST BE QUICK]!

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