제 35 정

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They ended up walking hand in hand towards one of the restaurant in Busan. Jimin had wanted to eat Kimchi Jjigae.

The boy was so excited, he was practically skipping while grinning cutely at her.

"This is one of my favourite place to eat." Jimin said excitedly.

"You'll love it." He assured her.

Aera wasn't much of a picky eater, she always ended up liking basically anything that Jimin recommended to her.

But she has her days too.

It wasn't much of a crowd in the restaurant but it wasn't empty either.

"Jimin!" Someone at the corner of the restaurant raises their hands.

It was a family of three. Mother, father and son.

Aera tilt her head wondering where has she seen them, there was something oddly familiar about them.

She turned to look at Jimin who was happily waving at them.

Aera froze.

They look like him.

"Jimin..." her tone was cautious as she tried to make him let her hand go. But he held tighter.

"It's okay, Chubs. Don't worry." He smiled and pulled her towards them.

Aera's heart was about to burst out of her ribcage with every step taken. She felt so self-cautious, she should at least have took an effort to put on a light makeup that morning.

But instead here she was in all black, looking depressing with her unruly hair in a messy half bun, no makeup and glasses.

At least she put on a lip tint.

Which didn't make much of a difference to her appearance.

She stared at her cap on Jimin's head. Maybe she should snatch that away and wear it.

Too late.

They were standing right in front of the others.

"Hi! You guys you made it earlier." Jimin greeted them. Aera's eyes widen at his words.

The little shit arranged this.

"Aera, meet my family. Mom, Dad and my little brother, Jihyun. Guys, meet Aera." he introduced, pulling her from behind him.

Aera's hands were shaking. She was so nervous, she hate meeting new people. She gets so uncomfortable she wanted to die.

"안녕하세요 애라입니다 반갑습니다," she bowed.

"Oh! You're so cute. Come, come and sit, dearie." Jimin's mother said, pulling Aera to sit beside her.

Jimin giggled softly watching how awkward Aera was. The girl was practically a statue.

"She's extremely shy. Aren't you, Chubs?" He winked.

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