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After the whole 'Kang Aera-likes-Park Jimin' and the heart wrenching 'She's-not-my-type' incident, Aera tried her best to avoid him.

Not as if he's actually searching for her.

But funny how life is. The more adamant you are about not wanting to see someone, the more life throws that certain someone at you.

Park Jimin is everywhere! It's frustrating especially the fact that everytime she sees him, she finds something about him she's drawn to.

Like at the cat cafe, he was spotted cooing to the cats, cradling them like babies, kissing their faces and rubbing his face on their tummies.

바보 [Dummy]~ 하지마 [Don't do that]... she had thought softly to herself.

At the cross road, helping an elderly lady cross. Giving her his arm, smiling sweetly and speaking politely.

왜이래 [Why are you like this?] She sighed at him.

At the college entrance, running after his friends then accidentally tripping and falling on his butt.

재발 그만해 [Please stop] she laughed quietly looking at him laughing on the floor.

"Isn't that Seulgi? The one from your elective?" Soomi asked. They were in the library after school, revising.

Aera glanced up from her book to see Jimin and his friends strut in, the way he swagger makes her heart skip.

The boys know the impact they have on everyone, literally everyone stop whatever they were doing to stare

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The boys know the impact they have on everyone, literally everyone stop whatever they were doing to stare.

Behind them, was Seulgi. Trying her damnest to keep up with them while still trying to keep her cool.

"Jimin-ah, wait!" She whined.

Jimin slowed his steps while the rest of the boys either rolled their eyes or ignored her.

I guess she's with him? She thought.

"뭐 [what]?" He asked. Aera expected Jimin to speak softly and lovingly but his tone was thick with boredom and annoyance.

"I was thinking if you would-"

Seulgi was cut off with Jimin's short reply, "안돼 [I can't]."

"아 왜 [Ah why]?" She whined, grabbing onto his arm and pouting.

Jimin sighed, softly pushing her hands away he looked at Seulgi with a void look. "난 바빠서 [I'm busy]."

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