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Eversince that incident, Seulgi and her giggling minions have been back to bullying Aera.

This time they're more aggressive but whenever she's around Jimin or anyone else they treated her nice.

Fake as hell.

It was obvious what Seulgi wanted to do and Aera can't be bothered with her whole 'bitch-stole-my-man' drama.

She didn't even tell Jimin what happened or what was going on. Knowing him, he'll probably confront Seulgi and make her cry.

No, he won't be hurting her or be screaming at her but what Jimin would say would probably make the girl break down.

Plus angry Park Jimin is scary as hell.

Aera recalled how Jimin got so angry with a random stranger for scaring a stray cat for fun.

His eyes got so intense, the way he stared at the guy and the way he spoke in a slow, firm and deep tone. Scary.

The rest of his brothers weren't lying when they said he was the scariest of them all.

Aera wouldn't want to be at the receiving end of his anger.

But other than being one of the scariest, Jimin was one of the sweetest and the last few weeks he have shown her exactly that.

The day Aera found out that one of her cats passed away, she felt so heartbroken.

She didn't have any mood to go out or do anything.

She spent the whole day in bed being moody.

She missed her cat so much, she wish she could turn back time and spent more time with him.

If only she would have went back to her parents' house more often to spend time with the cats.

But she didn't and she regretted it.

She was laying in bed, staring at the pictures of her cat when the doorbell rang.

"Unnie! The door!" Aera shouted from her room but her sister didn't respond.

Either her sister was fast asleep or she's tired of entertaining Aera's moodswings.

She too was sad.

Dragging her feet, she opened the door to find Park Jimin standing in the doorway with hands full of plastic bags and a slight smile on his lips.

"Hi." Was the only thing he said, his voice soft and comforting.

Aera wanted to cry and run into his arms but she didn't. Nodding her head, she took the bags from his hands.

"You brought stuffs?" Aera said as she look through the bags, turning her back to him she told him to come in.

Jimin frowned at Aera's reaction. She acted like she's fine but Jimin knows she was probably breaking inside.

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as he entered her house.

"He's at a better place now, baby." He whispered against her hair.

Aera's shoulders hunched, she started sobbing. Jimin softly stroked her cheeks, wiping her tears.

Softly he started swaying left to right to sooth her. Placing his head atop of her's.

Aera was at the right height to snuggle her face into his neck.

She turned and cling onto him as she sobbed harder.

Jimin ended up spending the day at Aera's. He brought food, drinks and chocolate for her... Just in case she have not eaten. And even some for her sister.

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